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December 26, 2021 One year after the United Kingdom left the European Union, more than 6 in 10 British voters believe Brexit has gone badly or worse than they anticipated. This says a survey published by the Observer.

The Opinium poll - revealed a week after the resignation of the Johnson government's Brexit minister, David Frost (chief minister negotiator for Brexit - ed) also indicates that 42% of those who voted "Leave" in 2016 have a negative view today. how Brexit has gone so far.

Among Remain voters, who instead wanted to stay in the EU, 86% said things went badly or worse than expected. Only 14% of the entire electorate believe that Brexit has gone better than expected. Most surprising, Opinion's Adam Drummond explained, is that Leavers are now more hesitant about the benefits of Brexit than they previously thought.

"During the Brexit process, whenever the question" is Brexit good or bad? "Was asked, all Remainers answered" bad "and all Leavers answered" good ", effectively canceling each other out." Now, however, the percentage of those who voted to leave the EU who believe it has gone wrong has increased. Only 17% of Leavers respond: "I expected it to go well and it did."

From 1 January 2022, more customs controls on goods exported from the EU to the UK will also come into force, which could complicate trade in particular for small businesses, especially in the food and agricultural sectors.  

The Office for Budget Responsability, a non-governmental agency funded by the Treasury, says the British economy will over time decline by 4 percent compared to expected growth if the 2016 referendum rejected Brexit. The exact price of the UK's exit from the EU cannot yet be determined, both due to the short period of time that has elapsed and because the economic damage is "covered" by the crisis caused by the pandemic, notes the Financial Times. But the debate is now on the extent of the damage, not on the possibility that there is none and that Brexit has produced or could produce advantages from the British point of view. An impression shared by the electorate seems to confirm the Observer's poll.

Romano Prodi, in a recent interview said: "Within twenty years the United Kingdom will ask to be part of the EU again. The damage of Brexit is already evident but will become even more so, especially in Northern Ireland and Scotland" .