▲ Congressman Mary Gay Scanlan

A U.S. congressman was driven into a vehicle after a constituency meeting and was hijacked by a militant.

According to the Associated Press on the 23rd local time, Democratic Representative Mary Gay Scanlon suffered this after finishing a meeting related to the development of a park in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, about 2:45 pm the previous day.

Two armed male assailants suddenly appeared, pointed their guns at them, and demanded that they hand over the car keys.

One assailant got the key from Senator Scalen and fled in the Senator's car, the other followed.

Senator Scalen was fortunately not injured.

The vehicle was found by police that night in Newark, Delaware, about 74 kilometers from Philadelphia, and five teenagers were arrested while trying to escape.

Among them, a 19-year-old man was involved in the car theft and was handed over to the FBI, and four teenagers between the ages of 13 and 16 were charged with stolen property.

(Photo = Rep. Scallen's Facebook capture, Yonhap News)