About 80 bombings have taken place around the country in 2021, until the end of November.

But greater focus on bomb manufacturers can have a better effect in the long run.

SVT Nyheter has previously been able to report this.

Today, the minimum penalty for bombings is two years, something that the Moderates think is far too low.

- It is completely unreasonable that those who commit explosives can be out on the streets again after two years, so we must increase the minimum sentence, says Johan Forssell, legal policy spokesman for the Moderates.

Label explosives

The moderates also want to label explosives used on construction sites to be able to track where the explosive comes from, but implementing it is not entirely easy.

- It must be harmonized between different EU countries so it can take time, but it is a good tool for finding those who carry out bombings, says Johan Forssell.

SVT has asked the government for a comment on the Moderates' proposal.