Sometimes it sounds like a cicada, sometimes it sounds like thunder, and sometimes it sounds like an insect buzzing and shaking its wings... Don't get me wrong, this is not describing nature, but tinnitus.

It is a variety of abnormal sounds such as buzzing and hissing in the ear or skull without an external sound source.

This kind of disease, which was commonly seen in middle-aged and elderly people in the past, has already focused on young people.

  The hearing-impaired computer host was the culprit

  Xiao Wang has recently been distraught by his tinnitus. There seems to be an old refrigerator in his ears, working hard day and night to keep it cool. The noise made him not eat well and could not sleep, so he had to go to Beijing Tongren Hospital for treatment.

  "You have hearing loss at the high frequency of 4 kHz, have you been shaken by a particularly loud sound before, or have you worked in a particularly noisy environment?" Professor Huang Lihui asked when he got Xiao Wang's hearing test report.

Xiao Wang twisted his eyebrows and recalled for a long time, "No, I am a programmer, and the working environment is quite quiet. I have never been exposed to loud noises, and I have never noticed hearing loss."

  After repeated inquiries, the answer was finally revealed.

There is a host computer on Xiao Wang's desk. He works for more than ten hours a day. He is inseparable from the host during lunch breaks. Over time, continuous, low-frequency noise causes hearing loss.

  Professor Huang Lihui said that in the past, middle-aged and elderly people came to see tinnitus in outpatient clinics, but now there are more young people.

High pressure, fast pace, irregular life, coupled with the use of earphones when exercising, taking subway buses or driving on highways, loud sound for a long time, and some sleep with earphones plugged in, long-term stimulation makes the hair cells of the inner ear get better. If you don’t have a rest, your hearing will decrease, and you may experience tinnitus.


  However, tinnitus is just a symptom. There are many diseases that cause this symptom. In addition to hearing loss caused by auditory pathway disorders, there are also systemic chronic diseases such as vascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, and hyperlipidemia. The ears will "raise the alarm" in a unique way with predisposing factors such as sudden increase in pressure.

  Only the black hands behind tinnitus can prescribe the right medicine

  "It is very important to have a correct understanding of tinnitus. Some people will fall into a state of anxiety after tinnitus. In fact, they don't need to be overly nervous. When they are treated, they will divert their attention and return to normal work and life, and they will gradually forget about tinnitus. "

  Huang Lihui said that to treat tinnitus, we must first look for the cause.

Tinnitus caused by noise like Xiao Wang should first be far away from the noise source.

Always try to maintain a regular life and exercise, and avoid smoking and drinking.

Excessive stress and fatigue are also predisposing factors for tinnitus, so finding a way to relieve stress is critical.

If tinnitus suffers from hearing loss with age and even affects your life, you can wear hearing aids. After hearing normal sounds, you can improve your quality of life on the one hand, and reshape your brain on the other, so you can gradually forget about tinnitus.

  In addition, patients with tinnitus caused by menopause and accompanied by anxiety and depression can be relieved by taking sleep-improving drugs, psychological counseling, or Chinese medicine acupuncture and other comprehensive treatment methods.

  Of course, clinically, we occasionally encounter patients with auditory nerve tumors who come to the doctor with tinnitus as the main complaint.

Therefore, when you have tinnitus, you must find a doctor as soon as possible to find the cause. Don't wait until the tinnitus interferes with your life. It may be very difficult to solve it at that time.

  There are good prescriptions for distinguishing sound and sound

  Traditional Chinese medicine divides the etiology and pathology of tinnitus into two types: deficiency and excess.

Generally speaking, tinnitus similar to cicada's sound is a deficiency syndrome, while roaring sound is a positive evidence.

Of course, there are also patients with a mixture of virtual and actual, and judgment and treatment are more complicated.

  Duan Ying, deputy chief physician of the Department of Traditional Medicine, introduced that wind-heat invasive tinnitus should be used to dispel wind and heat to dispel pathogens; for liver-fire disturbed type, it is recommended to clear the liver to relieve heat, relieve depression and relieve the orifice; phlegm-fire stagnant type should clear fire and resolve phlegm, and stomach Reduce turbidity; kidney essence loss type should nourish the kidney and nourish essence, nourish yin and suppress yang; weak spleen and stomach type should strengthen the spleen and nourish qi.

Patients who are afraid of acupuncture and moxibustion can also achieve good results by adopting traditional Chinese medicine to treat them according to symptoms and signs.

  In addition, being angry and stressful are the most common characteristics among tinnitus patients.

Chen Luquan, deputy director of the Department of Traditional Medicine, said that tinnitus and deafness have a lot to do with emotions.

For example, some patients are often angry and liver qi is congested; some patients often stay up late and work overtime, causing loss of kidney essence; in addition, some patients have weak spleen and stomach, dysfunction of movement, and they also like to eat cold and irritating foods that are too greasy, which can cause ears. Orifice blockage.

  Therefore, in addition to seeking help from a doctor, adjusting one's physical and mental state is also a key part of removing the "alarm".

  By Huang Huihui (Beijing Tongren Hospital)