
21 December 2021 Sentenced to life imprisonment by the Assize Court Francesco Tamarisco, considered a prominent element of the Torre Annunziata crime: according to the judges he was the instigator of the murder of Matilde Sorrentino, killed at the age of 49 at home on 26 March 2004. 

He had had the courage to report the abuse

The woman was murdered with four pistol shots, according to the accusation for having torn the veil of silence on the sexual abuse perpetrated against some minors, including her son. "The murder of Sorrentino represented the ferocious retaliation against a woman - so the prosecutor of Torre Annunziata Nunzio Fragliasso, in a note issued after the conviction - who with his courage had allowed to unveil a foul sequence of violence against damage to defenseless children, and to ensure justice for those responsible ".  

Alfredo Gallo the material performer

Tamarisco is considered by investigators to be the head of a criminal organization of the same name that deals with drug trafficking in Torre Annunziata. As many as 43 hearings in the trial - which began on February 2, 2019 - Eleven collaborators of justice heard by the judges. The murder of Matilde Sorrentino was physically carried out by Alfredo Gallo, who was also sentenced definitively to life imprisonment on May 24, 2005.


testimony of the son of Matilde

Determinante was the testimony of the victim's son who recognized him, after having seen fleeing after the ambush. 

The investigation into violence against minors

An investigation, and trial, which attempted to shed light on a pedophile organization that acted until April 1996: crimes committed against children at the time were between 6 and 7 years old, raped, photographed and filmed on video, in private homes and even in an elementary school.

Children were threatened with syringes and knives, as well as tied up and beaten. 

Matilde Sorrentino was one of the three mothers, who denounced those responsible for this child pornography circuit, and paid with her life.