For women who want to change the morning coffee habit during pregnancy, there are some alternative warm drinks worth trying, amid the continuing debate over whether drinking coffee is safe during pregnancy due to its caffeine content or not.

Some studies say that 200 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe, while other studies suggest that caffeine should not be taken while pregnant.

However, it is sometimes a good idea to have a different warm drink during the day.

Accordingly, a report published by the American “Babygaga” website offers these alternatives to enjoy during pregnancy, get acquainted with them:

There are health benefits to eating cocoa chocolate, being full of antioxidants, which helps in heart health (Al Jazeera)

hot chocolate

This delicious and creamy drink may not have the same effect, but it does have the flavor of chocolate found in mocha.

Like coffee, hot chocolate contains some caffeine, which is naturally present in chocolate.

Natural cocoa has only 5 milligrams of caffeine, which is much less than a cup of coffee.

Moreover, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine, there are health benefits to eating cocoa chocolate, being full of antioxidants, which aid heart health, reduce stress, aid brain function, and more, there are a lot of The benefits that come with a cup of hot chocolate.

Herbal tea may make pregnant women not miss the taste of coffee at all (Shutterstock)

latte tea

As for this coffee alternative, which is full of spices and herbs that may make the pregnant woman not miss the taste of coffee at all, the pregnant woman should try it with the ingredients of cardamom, cloves, ginger, and others.

This variant contains some caffeine.

The amount varies from 30 to 80 milligrams, which means that even with two cups of it a day it will still be much less than the 200 milligrams considered safe by health organizations.

Apple juice is a decaffeinated alternative that can be taken at all hours of the day without worrying about keeping a pregnant woman awake unnecessarily (Getty Images)

Apple juice

It is a decaffeinated alternative that can be taken at all hours of the day without the worry that the pregnant woman will stay awake unnecessarily.

And while there isn't any caffeine in hot apple juice, according to Healthful, it should be noted that the only type of apple juice pregnant women should drink is the pasteurized type.

Hot water and lemon as an alternative to coffee during pregnancy and relieve morning sickness (Getty Images)

hot water and lemon

This drink not only provides an alternative to coffee during pregnancy, but also relieves the feeling of nausea associated with morning sickness as well.

According to Medical News Today, there are several benefits to enjoying lemon during pregnancy, including relieving nausea, adding flavor to the water to keep the body hydrated, and the presence of folic acid in lemon making it very useful to include in a pregnancy diet.

However, pregnant women should be careful about the acidity of lemon, especially if morning sickness is causing her to vomit, because lemon can cause tooth erosion and sensitivity.

Also, for women who suffer from heartburn during pregnancy, lemon can aggravate it, and as such, all factors should be taken into consideration before drinking lemon and water.

There is some caffeine in decaffeinated coffee and a pregnant woman can drink it if giving up the taste of coffee bothers her (Pixabe)

Decaffeinated coffee and tea

If the thought of giving up the taste of coffee or black tea is causing nightmares for pregnant women, opting for the original decaffeinated versions may be a good option during pregnancy.

Although decaffeinated drinks mislead women that there is no caffeine in hot drinks, there is still some caffeine in decaffeinated coffee and tea.

Although the amounts are small, according to What To Expect, with 2 to 5 milligrams in coffee and tea as well, pregnant women should be aware that caffeine is already present. They were trying to exclude it from their diet completely.

Rooibos tea is rich in antioxidants, which is why it is the best drink - other than water - during pregnancy (Getty Images)

Rooibos tea (red bush)

It is one of the few warm drinks that do not contain any caffeine at all.

Therefore, it is safe to drink it at any time of pregnancy.

Not only does rooibos tea contain caffeine, but according to Red Espresso, it's also low in tannins.

This means that it "does not inhibit iron absorption" during pregnancy.

Moreover, rooibos tea is rich in antioxidants.

For this reason, it helps the body fight free radicals while keeping inflammation low.

Therefore, it may be the best drink other than just water to have during pregnancy.