The Israeli newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" revealed a hidden clause in an old agreement between Washington and Tel Aviv if Israel was destroyed by the outbreak of a regional war in the region.

The newspaper reported today, Friday, that the United States pledged to help Israel rebuild civilian facilities and infrastructure, which will be damaged in the wake of a regional war, including, for example, the outbreak of armed fighting between it and Iran.

The newspaper said that in the last chapter of the secret Israeli-American joint defense plan for a regional emergency, an item that few in the Israeli political and security establishment know. Civilian infrastructure that would be damaged by a regional war, for example between it and Iran.

She indicated that this includes the reconstruction of ports, electricity, communications, water and roads, and any other assistance that helps Israel rebuild the home front.

She said that there is little knowledge of this provision, perhaps because it did not become effective until 2018, and perhaps because no one believed that infrastructure would be destroyed on the scales expected by the extreme scenarios.

She added that it was doubtful that the United States would have a similar agreement with another country.

She noted that the agreement is intended for extreme scenarios, such as a large-scale missile attack on seaports, electricity and water supply systems, and other vital sites.

In recent weeks, Israel announced that it was preparing to carry out attacks on Iranian nuclear facilities, and Iranian officials responded by saying that any Israeli attack would be retaliated.