"Don't Forget, Echo"

December 13, 1937

The Japanese invaders brutally invaded Nanjing

Carried out a massacre of more than 40 days to exterminate humanity against my compatriots

300,000 creatures were slaughtered

Countless women have been ravaged and maimed

Countless children died

It is a very dark page in human history.

The survivors of that catastrophe

Is the most powerful witness in that period of history

Under the call and guidance of the Communist Party of China

After 8 years of arduous and bloody battle

Won the great victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression

Also made a significant contribution to the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War

Be wary of future generations

To pay tribute to the lives that died in the War of Resistance, to mourn the land soaked in blood and fire

On February 27, 2014, the seventh meeting of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress passed a decision to establish December 13 as the National Memorial Day for the victims of the Nanjing Massacre.

China today,

Has become a great country with a strong ability to defend the peaceful lives of its people

Produced by: Chen Kaixing, Liu Kang, Zou Shengwen

Producer: Chang Ailing, Qi Huijie, Yu Weiya, Liu Zhaoquan

Producers: Jiao Xufeng, Zhang Shuqi, Qiao Yucheng

Choreographer: Cui Yingxin

Reporters: Liu Yuxuan, Jiang Fang

Participated in the production: Zhang Kexin