Although the December figures remain to be reported, it is already clear - the number of reports directed at real estate agents in 2021 will be the highest ever.

So far this year, 1,731 people have been received by the Swedish Real Estate Inspectorate (FMI), 28 percent more than during the full year 2020.

These are primarily notifications regarding cover prices in connection with home sales.

Large percentage increase

1,006 of the cases fall into that category, 45 percent more than the previous record year 2020. David Johansson, head of supervision at FMI, raises consumer awareness and that FMI and its function have become better known but also another reason for the increase.

- The hot housing market that has now been for a period, we have seen price increases and intensive bidding, it leads to several reports, he says.

TT: Can it not also be purely evidence that brokers make greater use of cap prices?

- It may indicate that.

We can see that the bid premium, the difference between the starting and closing price, has increased.

Then in our trials, we look at the whole and not just the bid premium and above all the assessment of sales statistics.

The applications also include holiday homes

From the FMI's point of view, it is seen how the problem has become more extensive than before, where it now also includes the holiday home market as well as other parts of the country than just the metropolitan regions.

- We believe that the reports clearly show frustration among consumers and that some brokers at least try to attract speculators by setting too low starting prices.

It is important to act to get to grips with this, because in the long run it can damage the industry, says David Johansson.

Little result

The problem, however, is that the reports give few results.

In 2021, only 18 have given rise to a warning and historically, only one broker has had its permit revoked.

- When it comes to the cap price, it can be difficult to prove that the broker set a starting price that is too low.

It can also be bidding where there can be two very keen speculators and hence a high price increase.

It is not always by definition a cap price just because the house price rises.