There are eight cases of infection caused by mycobacterium marinum that have been detected by Region Sörmland since 2019. The cases have since been investigated by the region.

According to the investigation, there is no evidence that all cases can be linked to the bathhouse in Oxelösund, but it has been established that the bathhouse can be the source of infection in one or more cases.

- Such an investigation has taken time because we needed to conduct questionnaires with questions to the patients who had the infection, cultures from bathhouse water and different areas in the bathhouse, says Signar Mäkitalo, infection control doctor at Region Sörmland.

Advised from swimming

According to information on Oxelösund's municipality's website, the number of infected is very small in relation to how many people bathe and until 21 December, you decide for yourself whether you should bathe.

People with skin ulcers are advised against bathing.

- The risk of getting an infection of mycobacterium marinum is small and mainly applies to people who have damaged skin.

The bacterium is found in seawater, seawater, aquariums and in bathing water that is not sufficiently disinfected, says Florim Delijaj, chief physician in Region Sörmland, in a press release.

During the closed period, surfaces in the bathhouse will be disinfected and water tanks cleaned, according to the company Medley, which manages the operation of the bathhouse.