Manuela Schwesig with Olaf Scholz and Malu Dreyer (SPD)

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08 December 2021 The Merkel era ends today in Germany, with the election and swearing-in of Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, who will take over at 3 pm from the outgoing chancellor.

Scholz, 63, will lead the so-called "Semaforo" coalition, made up of the SPD, the Greens and the Liberals after winning the elections on 26 September.

At the beginning of the parliamentary session in the Bundestag a long applause with ovation greeted Angela Merkel. After 16 years in government, the Union (CDU-CSU) will go to the opposition.

Scholz will be elected to the Bundestag starting at 9, at 10.30 he is expected by President Frank Walter Steinmeier at Bellevue castle for his appointment.

The parliamentary session will resume at 12 for the swearing in of the "Bundeskanzler", which with the new executive will return to the German Quirinale to the Head of State.