Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 4th. The White Paper "China's Democracy" published by the Information Office of the State Council on the 4th stated that China’s modernization did not follow the old Western path, but created a Chinese-style modernization path; instead of copying the Western democratic model, it was Created Chinese-style democracy.

The people are the masters of the country is the original intention of Chinese democracy.

In today's China, the connotation of the people being the masters of the country has been continuously enriched, channels have been continuously expanded, and efficiency has been continuously improved, and Chinese democracy has been continuously advancing.

  The white paper pointed out that China's democracy has gone through a difficult process of choice, exploration, practice and development.

Based on its own national conditions, China has developed the whole process of people's democracy. It not only has distinctive Chinese characteristics, but also embodies the common pursuit of democracy for all mankind. It has not only promoted the development of China and the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also enriched the form of human political civilization.

  The white paper emphasizes that persisting in designing and developing China's democracy in accordance with China's characteristics and China's reality, and unswervingly following the path of democratic development in line with national conditions is a basic experience of China's democratic development.

China develops democracy, and has always inherited five thousand years of Chinese civilization, focusing on absorbing wisdom and nutrients from the excellent Chinese traditional culture.

Only a democracy that takes root in the country's soil and draws plenty of nutrients can it continue to develop and improve, and it is the most reliable and effective.

  The white paper says that mankind's exploration and practice of democracy will never end.

The destiny of the world should be in the hands of the people of all countries, international rules should be formulated by all countries, global affairs should be governed by all countries, and the fruits of development should be shared by all countries.

The real obstacle to the cause of human democracy is not the difference in the democratic model, but the arrogance, prejudice, and hostility to the democratic exploration of other countries, and the "self-respect" that imposes the country's democratic model on others.

For human civilization to continue to move forward, and for countries to achieve peaceful coexistence and common development, they must explore the true meaning of democracy and polish it up.