- In a tragedy by Shakespeare, there are two sides that fight each other.

The moment someone changes position, the frustration increases.

It always ends with someone dying, says Giorgio Parisi who is a theoretical physicist at Sapienza University in Rome and one of this year's Nobel laureates in physics.

The frustration increases

But in the spinning glasses, it is iron atoms with different so-called magnetic spins that increase the tension and frustration.

After that, the atoms find new positions, but no one could figure out before Giorgio Parisi how the spinning glass would behave.

It was a big problem that many before Giorgio Parisi had failed to address.

- But then this young man came and solved it with old methods, but in a completely new way.

It was a big breakthrough, says Per Nordblad who is professor emeritus at Uppsala University.

 Giorgio Paris 'now Nobel Prize-winning discovery can be applied far beyond the spinning glass in the researchers' laboratory. 

Works for both the stock market and nerve cells

- It is a solution for understanding complex problems in many other areas, such as in neurology where you want to see how nerve cells are connected or if you want to understand how the stock market works, says Per Nordblad. 

Giorgio Parisi himself finds it difficult to directly point out a future area of ​​use for his discovery.

They can be so many and different.

 - I believe that this discovery will have many uses in the future, such as artificial intelligence, says Giorgio Parisi.

See the whole World of Science - Climate crisis, feeling and chemical success on SVTplay from Sunday and 20.00 on SVT2 on Monday.