In Jönköping, there have been about 450 electric scooters for rent via apps since this spring.

First out was the company Qick and then this spring there is also the player Tier.

In previous years, the electric scooters have been picked up during the winter months, but since the companies pay a fee to the municipality all year round, they keep the bikes out this winter.

- The player Tier has announced, however, that they withdraw the use when it is snowing.

The other company Qick reduces the number of electric scooters during the winter, says Carlos Trischler.

Problems in many municipalities

Improperly parked electric scooters are something that has upset many places in the country where they are located.

Visually impaired and people with other functional variations have pointed out the risks for those with bicycles parked in the middle of walkways or sidewalks.

The municipality of Jönköping is now investigating whether in the future they will be able to fine the companies that provide the scooters if there are many incorrectly parked bicycles.

- It is already being done in other municipalities in the country and it could be a tool.

Carlos Trischler thinks that the municipality has a good dialogue with the two actors in Jönköping.

- Before snowstorms, we usually make extra contact with them and emphasize the importance of the electric scooters not getting in the way.