Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 1 -

Question: Taiwan would like to take trouble, Abe miscalculated!

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  On December 1, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe ignored the basic norms of international relations and the principles of the four political documents between China and Japan.

I hereby warn some Japanese politicians that Taiwan is the sacred territory of China and will never allow outsiders to get involved.

Anyone who dares to challenge the bottom line of the Chinese people will surely be broken!

  There is only one China in the world, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory.

This is not only a historical and legal fact that cannot be changed, but also a status quo that cannot be challenged.

The Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affairs, and China will never allow any country to intervene in any way.

China must be unified, and it must be unified.

No one should underestimate the Chinese people's determination, determination, and strong ability to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

  On the Taiwan issue, Japanese politicians are warned to be cautious in their words and deeds.

Today's China is no longer a poor and weak country back then. Any country that infringes on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity and infringes on China's core interests in any way will surely be hit head-on by more than 1.4 billion Chinese people!

  Abe's finger-pointing on the Taiwan issue reflects that a small group of forces in Japan are always obsessed with the old dreams of militarism, without repentance and ambition, and they still try to get in touch with Taiwan today.

In recent years, Japan’s defense budget has repeatedly hit record highs. Japan has vigorously strengthened its southwestern island military and developed new combat forces such as networks and space, far exceeding the need for “specialized defense”.

In terms of foreign policy, Japan has also increased its strategic binding with the United States, arbitrarily exaggerating China's "military threat," and repeatedly criticizing China's internal affairs.

Regarding the Taiwan issue, some Japanese forces and politicians have even sang a peace with the United States, trying their best to distort China's strategic intentions, exaggerating the "Chinese threat" and vainly attempting to infiltrate Taiwan.

The intent of Japanese politicians can be understood at a glance. It is nothing more than taking the opportunity to delay China's development, pushing Japan to break through the post-war shackles, retake the old path of military expansion, and at the same time seek personal political gains for a small number of politicians themselves.

  From a personal point of view, Abe jumped out to engage in trouble on the Taiwan issue. He wanted to create a topic and gain attention. Although he stepped down, he still wanted to continue to maintain the status of the Japanese right-wing "banner bearer" and become a political "bigger". ".

It is not difficult to find out that Abe's "ruling resume" is that what he says and does today is in the same line as his political ideals.

When he was in power, he vigorously engaged in "historical revisionism" and ran wildly on the right-wing road.

He challenged "Kono Talks" and "Murayama Talks" to pave the way for the revival of militarism. He went to Iwo Jima and Burma to pay homage to the invading Japanese soldiers who died in World War II, and even got into the fighter plane numbered "731"... The Wall Street Journal, USA "Once called Abe the "most dangerous man" in Asia.

  In short, to harvest political capital, revive the old dream of the military state, pull in the recent US alliance, and partner to suppress China... This is the purpose of Abe and his colleagues' false claims about the Taiwan issue.

However, when Abe and his like wanted to borrow from Taiwan to make trouble, they had miscalculated.

The determination and will of the Chinese government and military to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and unity is as firm as a rock.

Taiwan's affairs are China's affairs, not Japan's affairs.

Japanese politicians should learn from history, reflect on the disasters their militarism has brought to the world at all times, and do more things that are conducive to enhancing political mutual trust with neighboring countries and conducive to regional peace and stability.

If Japanese politicians continue to persevere in perseverance and insist on going their own way, making irresponsible remarks on the Taiwan issue, they will inevitably take the blame and swallow the bitter fruit.