Despite the fact that the Environmental and Health Protection Board has pointed out Kvarngärdesskolan's premises as a risk to human health, the school management now chooses to let the students stay in school during the spring term.

- The higher instance, the Land and Environmental Court, makes the assessment that the risk is not so great that we need to evacuate as early as next semester.

An evacuation had major consequences for the students, says Erik Ojala, head of the municipal preschool in Uppsala municipality.

The idea was that the students would split up and go to other schools during the spring term, now they avoid it.

The Land and Environment Court's decision means that the school does not have to close already at the turn of the year.

The decision on the matter will come later, the court tells SVT.

What do you do if the court makes a decision on evacuation in the middle of the semester?

- If we get new facts, we will have to take a position on it then, says Erik Ojala.