Berlaymont Building, EU Commission (Pixabay)

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November 29, 2021 "Everyone in the European Union has the right to be treated equally" without reference to "gender, ethnicity, race, religion, disability and sexual orientation".

Thus - writes Brussels in its new guidelines - "miss o mrs" (ladies and ladies) must disappear, replaced by a more generic "ms". And even the holidays should no longer be referred to religious connotations, such as Christmas, but cited in a generic way: for example, "holidays are stressful" and no longer "Christmas is stressful", reads the document. for "correct communication", provided by the Commission entitled "Union of Equality".

The guidelines contain several chapters in which the egalitarian treatment of the person, according to the EU executive, must be taken into consideration. In the commission's decalogue there are some recommendations to always use: "Do not use nouns or pronouns that are related to the gender of the subject; maintain a balance between genders in the organization of each panel; if you use audiovisual content or testimonials, ensure diversity is represented in all its aspects; do not address the audience with the words "ladies" or "gentleman", but use a generic "dear colleagues"; when talking about transsexuals, identify them according to their indication; do not use the word "the elderly" (the elderly) but "older people" (the more adult population);talking about people with disabilities with priority reference to the person (for example, instead of "Mario Rossi is disabled", "Mario Rossi has a disability" ').

In the guidelines there are also references to a "correct" communication regarding religions. For example, in the text it is recommended, in any communicative content, to "not use proper names typical of a specific religion". Regarding the holidays, the Commission asks to "avoid taking for granted that everyone is Christian". With lots of examples: instead of saying or writing "Christmas is stressful", the European executive invites us to use the words: "holidays are stressful".

But there are many and different indications for a communication that does not exclude anyone. For example, do not use Christian names or names that are typical of a religion as an example. Instead of "Maria and John are an international couple" it is preferable " Malika and Julio are an international couple ".

Among other suggestions, "never use gender nouns like" worker, policeman or masculine pronouns as a default ";" when using a variety of images, testimonials and stories, make sure they reflect diversity in all its senses " ; when asking about gender, don't offer only male / female options, add "other" and "I prefer not to disclose" ";

and don't use stereotypes about gender, age, ethnicity.