
November 28, 2021

Long and heartfelt reflection by Pope Francis, at the end of the Angelus in St. Peter's Square, on migrants and, in particular, on the shipwreck a few days ago in the English Channel and on those on the border of Belarus. "How many migrants are exposed, even in these days, to very serious dangers, and how many lose their lives at our borders! I feel pain for the news on the situation in which so many of them find themselves: of those who died in the English Channel; those on the borders of Belarus, many of whom are children; those who drown in the Mediterranean. So much pain thinking of them. Those who are repatriated to North Africa, are captured by traffickers, who turn them into slaves: they sell women, they torture men ... Of those who, even this week,they tried to cross the Mediterranean looking for a land of well-being and instead finding a tomb there; and many others. To migrants who find themselves in these situations of crisis, I assure you of my prayers, and also of my heart: know that I am always close to you. Pray and do. I thank all the institutions of both the Catholic Church and elsewhere, especially the national Caritas and all those who are committed to alleviating their suffering ".especially the national Caritas and all those who are committed to alleviating their suffering ".especially the national Caritas and all those who are committed to alleviating their suffering ".

Therefore the "heartfelt appeal to those who can contribute to the resolution of these problems, in particular to the civil and military Authorities, so that understanding and dialogue finally prevail over any kind of exploitation and orient the will and efforts towards solutions that respect the humanity of these people. Let us think of migrants, of their sufferings, and pray in silence… ".