Reporter Huang Yu

  Reading tips

  College students have high academic literacy, but due to the high probability of having sex and weak self-protection awareness, they have become AIDS-prone groups.

To improve the awareness of AIDS prevention among young students, parents need to take the initiative to talk about sex with their children, and schools need to conduct regular sex education courses.

  On the occasion of the 34th "World AIDS Day", the news of the second case of self-healing AIDS in the world has attracted attention.

Is humanity capable of defeating AIDS?

Experts say that no clear mechanism for self-healing of AIDS has been found so far, and self-healing people are very small.

The data shows that in recent years, the trend of AIDS is becoming younger, and the number of college students infected with AIDS is increasing.

  According to the National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health of College Students from 2019 to 2020 issued by the China Family Planning Association and other institutions, students’ overall evaluation of sex education is not high, and only about one-third of college students think they are very satisfied or relatively satisfied, and more than 1/ 5 college students are not sure whether the school has sex education or not.

On the one hand, there is an increase in the number of patients suffering from college students, and on the other hand, the lack of sex education in colleges and universities. How to improve the awareness of young people's sexual protection and make up for the "shortcomings" of family and school sex education? The reporter launched an interview and investigation.

  About 3,000 cases of young students are diagnosed each year

  In Kunming City, Yunnan Province, 20-year-old Xiaojun (a pseudonym) has wheat-colored skin and a sturdy body. He wears a pair of black-rimmed glasses and is gentle.

Xiaojun has excellent academic performance since childhood and is now a student of a well-known university.

  Last summer, Xiaojun’s information was registered on the list of confirmed cases by the AIDS screening laboratory of the Kunming Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The HIV virus that had been hidden in the body for more than a year finally surfaced.

  "In mid-July last year, I felt headache, sore throat, and fever. At first I thought it was just a common cold, but after a week of rest, I still didn't get better." Xiaojun still clearly remembers the day when the illness appeared.

When he was in the hospital that day, the doctor inquired about his symptoms in detail and recommended that he be tested for HIV (HIV).

The result was positive, Xiaojun was dumbfounded.

  "I don't believe in the test results, I always feel that I am not so unlucky." With a fluke, Xiaojun went to the Municipal Center for Disease Control for testing again, but still the same results.

  Data from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention shows that in recent years, young students aged 15 to 24 diagnosed and reported about 3,000 AIDS cases each year.

  Xiao Xu (a pseudonym), an 18-year-old freshman, was also diagnosed as HIV positive last year.

"Fever for a week, accompanied by oral ulcers and swollen lymph nodes." As a medical student, Xiao Xu realized that he might be infected with HIV and went to the hospital for a test. As expected, the result was positive.

"At that time, when my legs became weak, I fell to the ground."

  Social networking makes sexual intercourse easy

  The transmission routes of AIDS include blood transmission, mother-to-child transmission, sexual transmission, etc. The latest statistics show that more than 90% of the transmission routes of AIDS in my country are sexual transmission.

Yang Yin, director of the AIDS Prevention Office of the Third People’s Hospital of Kunming, said that the main reason for the increase in AIDS cases among young students, especially college students, is that the society is more tolerant of college students’ sexual behavior, and the probability and frequency of sexual behavior among young students is high. many.

  Young students have insufficient awareness of sexual protection. At the same time, the school’s sex education classes are all but useless. Many parents think that “sex education” is an embarrassing and unspeakable topic, causing college students to lack correct sexual values ​​and weak awareness of AIDS prevention. .

  Li Yuye, director of the STD and Dermatology Department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Kunming Medical University, said in an interview that the rise of some social software has made sexual intercourse even easier.

Unlike long-term, fixed sexual partners, these temporary "sexual partners" often do not know each other, increasing the risk of contracting AIDS.

  Sex education "shortcomings" urgently need to be made up

  “Although it may be very embarrassing to talk about sex with children, it is very necessary to have such a conversation. Sexual behaviors not only bring about pregnancy, but also may be HIV.” Li Yuye said, “Although AIDS treatment has made significant progress, it is still There is no cure, and there is no preventable vaccine."

  After being diagnosed with AIDS, Xiaojun went from being unacceptable at the beginning to choosing to face the reality and continue his studies while receiving medication.

Xiao Xu said that she needs to take the medicine on time at 10 o'clock every night and go to the hospital to check various indicators regularly. The medicine is the key to keeping her normal life.

  AIDS experts from the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention said that young students aged 15 to 24 are becoming high-risk groups of AIDS.

In the past, a large number of infected people came from economically underdeveloped areas, but now AIDS has entered elite cities and schools.

Although this special group of people understands AIDS prevention knowledge, they do not use knowledge to protect themselves when high-risk behaviors occur.

  "Schools should pay attention to AIDS prevention work and regularly carry out sex education courses to improve young students' awareness of AIDS." Yang Yin said that after high-risk sexual behaviors occur, they have the opportunity to block and intervene within the prime time of 2 to 72 hours. .

  Li Yuye said: “Parents and schools do not need to talk about sexual discoloration, prevention is the best vaccine.” Explain the seriousness of the problem to young students clearly, deliver key messages about AIDS prevention, and guide them to establish correct sexual concepts.

For HIV, there can be no fluke psychology, once it happens, it is 100%.

At the same time, young students should understand and use the national public health service system. If they are worried that they are at risk, they can call the public health service hotline as soon as possible, or go to the HIV testing agency announced by the National Center for Disease Control and Prevention every year for free consultation and testing.