Authoritative Newsletter丨The Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening the Work on Aging in the New Era Released

The aging of the population is the basic national condition of our country for a long period of time in the future

Effectively respond to the aging of our country's population

A matter of national development

It's about the well-being of hundreds of millions of people

It's about social harmony and stability

November 24

"Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening Work on the Elderly in the New Era" released

Opinions focus on the new era, focus on work for the elderly, and focus on the "emergency and sorrow" issues of the elderly

Combine meeting the needs of the elderly with solving the problem of aging population

Speed ​​up the establishment and improvement of relevant policy systems and institutional frameworks

Promote the high-quality development of the cause of aging

Improve the elderly care service system

Improve the health support system for the elderly

Promote the social participation of the elderly

Focus on building an elderly-friendly society

Actively cultivate the silver-haired economy

Opinions are mainly requested from five aspects

Systematic planning and comprehensive strategy

Develop a list of basic elderly care services

Carry out special actions such as elderly oral health

Incorporate senior education into the lifelong education system


A package of specific measures

Efforts to solve the "emergency and worry" of the elderly

Meet the multi-level and diversified needs of the elderly

Enhance the sense of acquisition, happiness, and security of the elderly

Planning: Zhao Cheng

Producer: Zhang Xudong

Coordinator: Xie Liang, Chen Fang, Yang Jinxin

Reporter: Tian Xiaohang, Zhao Jiulong

Editor: Liu Yuanyuan

Design: Yang Yiqun

Produced by Xinhua News Agency