Blood sugar let alone two years, the man is nearly blind in both eyes

  Wuhan Evening News (Reporter Liu Xuan, Correspondent Li Junping, Correspondent Li Junping and Peng Huifan) For two years, he hadn't taken care of blood sugar, and his eyes were almost blind.

On November 22, when he learned that the sharp decline in eyesight was caused by high blood sugar, the 60-year-old Master Zhang regretted his carelessness.

  Two years ago, Master Zhang checked and found that fasting blood glucose was 12 millimoles/liter and postprandial blood glucose was 18.5 millimoles/liter.

Considering that he is newly diagnosed with diabetes, the doctor recommended that he be hospitalized for intensive insulin therapy to quickly control blood sugar and reduce the body's high glucose toxicity.

Usually there is no discomfort in the body. Master Zhang is worried that the injection will cause dependence, but he is resolutely unwilling.

  Recently, he felt that his vision had decreased significantly and his vision was blurred, so he went to the hospital for treatment.

In the Department of Ophthalmology, Hankou Hospital in Wuhan, fundus examination revealed hemorrhage and microangioma in the fundus, suggesting diabetic retinopathy.

"Even if eye treatment controls the condition of the eyes, the stability of blood sugar in the later stage is more important." On the advice of the ophthalmologist, Master Zhang was admitted to the Department of Endocrinology and Hematology to receive standardized hypoglycemic treatment.

  "Patients like Master Zhang are not rare in the clinic." Yang Li, head of the Department of Endocrinology and Hematology, Wuhan Hankou Hospital, said that diabetic retinopathy is the most common complication of the fundus of diabetes, which can cause irreversible damage to vision and even blindness.

In clinical practice, some patients have a rapid onset of disease, and many people only know that they have diabetes by looking at their eyes with reduced vision.

  According to the release of the latest epidemiological data, the total number of diabetic patients in my country has reached 129.8 million.

For diabetic patients, complications such as blood sugar and diabetic foot, cardiovascular and kidneys are attracting attention, but ocular complications represented by diabetic retinopathy (hereinafter referred to as "sugar net") are often easily overlooked, even Ignore.

  The survey found that 5 years of diabetes is a high-risk period for the occurrence of the "sugar net", and as the time of diabetic illness increases, the possibility of occurrence of diseases such as the "sugar net" is greater.

She pointed out that the "sugar network" disease has no obvious symptoms in the early stage and is easy to be ignored. Once the symptoms occur, patients often have missed the best time for treatment.

  She reminded the majority of sugar friends to control blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids, take medications strictly according to the doctor's requirements, and review them regularly.

Even if the blood sugar of diabetic patients is normal, fundus screening must be performed once a year, especially for people with "three highs", to prevent fundus complications.

For those with fundus disease, it is best to increase the frequency of fundus examination every six months or according to changes in the condition.

In the event of eye discomfort such as blurred vision, you should seek medical treatment in time and follow the doctor's advice for active treatment to avoid further development of complications.