The government has had intensive negotiations with the Left Party in recent days, and on Tuesday evening the agreement was presented which means that the Left Party will both release Andersson as prime minister and vote yes to the government's budget later in the day.

The Left Party has succeeded in pushing through the government to submit proposals for increased pensions, or rather what is called a guarantee supplement.

The Left Party has also passed its demands for writing that the party should be part of a government document and negotiate the government's bills, including the budget.

But all the information given in Aktuellt on Tuesday evening was not immediately crystal clear.

Magdalena Andersson is well aware that pensions are determined in the so-called pension working group and does not want to irritate the other parties there.

She therefore emphasized in Aktuellt that the increase in the guarantee supplement is outside the pension working group's responsibility.

The question is whether other parties in the group make the same assessment.

Everything points to Andersson becoming the next prime minister

Men uppgörelsen innebär att höjningen av garantitillägget också ska läggas som proposition till riksdagen. Problemet för Magdalena Andersson här är att uppgörelsen med Vänsterpartiet inte ger någon majoritet i riksdagen. Hon och Vänsterpartiet måste alltså hoppas att något annat riksdagsparti röstar för förslaget. Skulle Sverigedemokraterna, som också pläderar för höjda pensioner, stödja förslaget kan det röstas igenom riksdagen, men frågan är om det är ett stöd som Magdalena Andersson önskar sig.

The other crucial issue during the negotiations has been the writings about the Left Party's role in the government documentation.

Here it is explicitly stated that an S-led government will negotiate bills and budgets with the Left Party.

However, on Tuesday evening, it was unclear when this agreement will take effect.

On V-leader Nooshi Dadgostar, it sounded like it should happen already now, while on Magdalena Andersson it sounded rather like it is a question for the next term.

Regardless, it can be stated that the Left Party has thereby also announced that it will both support Andersson in the Prime Minister's vote and to vote yes to the government's budget.

Thus, everything points to Magdalena Andersson becoming Sweden's next prime minister.

May mean that C does not vote for the government's budget

There is admittedly criticism of the agreement within the Center Party, but it is probably not so serious that the party is prepared to vote red against Andersson.

However, the wording of the agreement on cooperation with the Left Party is perceived as a clear left turn and may mean that the Center Party does not vote for the government's budget in the decisive vote.

In that case, it would mean that the Moderates', Christian Democrats' and Sweden Democrats' budget alternatives are voted through by the Riksdag.

As the new Prime Minister, Magdalena Andersson will then be forced to rule on a budget that has been partly dictated by her political opponents.

As a result, the government will not be able to implement the S election promise from 2018 for a so-called family week.

The impression then is that Magdalena Andersson did succeed in becoming prime minister, but that her government base is fragile and clearly leaning to the left.

And in that way, she will learn to catch up until the election next year.

Nobody knows how it will go after that.

After the agreement with the Left Party, it will probably be much more difficult to continue the cooperation with the Center Party.