Europe 1 11:03 p.m., November 21, 2021

The five candidates for the nomination of the Republicans for the next presidential election put forward proposals with various names - "quotas", "blood rights", "republican passport", "Schengen 2" - concerning immigration, during the third debate broadcast on Europe 1 and CNews.

On immigration, one of the central themes of the Republican congress campaign, each candidate has his own formula.

During the third investiture debate for the next presidential election, broadcast on Europe 1 and CNews, the five candidates - Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand, Éric Ciotti, Philippe Juvin and Valérie Pécresse - discussed their solutions to regulate, in a more or less strong, the recourse to immigration in France.

The debate can be followed live on Europe 1.

Quotas, blood rights, republican passport ...

In a poll for Europe 1 and CNews, nearly 60% of French people say they are against the idea of ​​zero immigration in France. Xavier Bertrand recalls that he wants to set up a referendum in the fall of 2022 on a "migration quota" to fight illegal immigration. The president of the Hauts-de-France region also advocates a "republican passport", where one must adhere to the principles of the law of the Republic.

For Éric Ciotti, "one must become French by descent".

The deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes defends "a blood right".

For his part, Michel Barnier believes that there is "an issue of civilization" and puts forward a "moratorium" which would allow "to immediately stop the regularization of undocumented migrants, family reunification".

The president of the Ile-de-France region Valérie Pécresse is in favor of a system of "quotas", and advocates "zero immigration for countries with problems".

For his part, Philippe Juvin calls for a "Schengen 2" with countries "which have the same migration policy".