Several well-known profiles are running for the Liberals in the next election.

Former artist and now PR consultant Dominika Peczynski, police officer Martin Melin and journalist Lotta Gröning all hope to be able to recruit votes for the party.

Together, the three candidates have far more followers on Instagram than the Liberals have.

But it is difficult to translate followers into votes, and extra difficult to reach new groups of voters.

That's what Patrik Öhberg, a political scientist at the University of Gothenburg, says.

- It is a trick for poor parties to get free advertising, but it rarely hits so hard that there are big effects.

In Sweden, the party is traditionally more important than individual candidates, says Öhberg and compares with moderate Member of Parliament Hanif Bali.

- He is huge on social media, but in personal votes he does not exceed five percent.