About 250 million people in our country are suffering from hair loss, including androgenic alopecia, telogen alopecia, alopecia areata, etc.——

Have you received the "distress signal" in your hair?

  [More beautiful and healthier]

  Will the hair and scalp get sick?

Compared with chronic diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, many people may not realize that if there is itchy head, dandruff, oily head, red head, peculiar smell or folliculitis, this is a "distress signal" sent by the scalp and hair to you. !

  "This distress signal shows that your scalp and hair are'sick'! Moreover, many people are often accompanied by the above six unhealthy symptoms when they lose their hair. This is called'hair loss very 6+1' in the industry." China Professor Yang Dingquan, executive director of the Plastic Surgery Association and chairman of the Chinese Medicine Cosmetology Branch, and director of the Hair Medicine Center of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, pointed out.

  According to Yang Dingquan, surveys show that about 250 million people in my country are suffering from hair loss, including androgenetic alopecia (hereinafter referred to as "androgenetic alopecia"), telogen alopecia, alopecia areata and other hair diseases, and more people suffer from it. Various scalp health problems such as dandruff and itchy head.

Male baldness accounts for the main body of alopecia patients

  In recent years, there have been some short stories about hair loss frequently on the Internet, "I feel like I was a dandelion in my previous life", "Everyone is out of order, and I'm so bad, I have hair loss", "My hair is doing free fall exercises all the time. "...

  Apart from ridicule, what is left is more anxiety and loss.

Chen Guo (pseudonym), who graduated from university in July 2021, has been selected by a company, but he was very nervous during the interview. “This company has a very good development philosophy and meets the professional aspirations of young people, but I am worried about myself. Your baldness will affect the interview!" He frustrated.

  In my country, Chen Guo is only one of 130 million male baldness patients.

"Male baldness is also called seborrheic alopecia or premature alopecia. It often occurs in puberty or after adolescence, and it is manifested as the front hairline shifts back, and the hair on the top of the head gradually decreases, eventually forming baldness." Yang Dingquan introduced, in terms of the number of patients. , Male baldness accounts for the main body of alopecia patients, mostly in young adults.

  Which department of the hospital should I go to for hair loss?

"Many people are familiar with dermatology, but they may be unfamiliar with hair medicine." Yang Dingquan explained that it is a branch of dermatology, which mainly studies the physiology and pathology of hair and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of hair and hair diseases, not only diagnosis and treatment of hair loss. It also involves related diseases such as scalp inflammation, scalp infection and scalp tumors.

  Why does the scalp and hair get sick?

"The root cause is the destruction of hair follicles and their growth environment, just as seeds and soil determine the growth of crops. The scalp is rich in hair follicles, sebaceous glands and sweat glands, which constitute a unique ecosystem, which is more sensitive and easier than facial skin. There are scalp health problems that affect the quality of life."

  Yang Dingquan explained that hair loss will also have a negative impact on the health of the scalp. If the hair is reduced and excessively irradiated with ultraviolet light, it may cause premature scalp aging and induce tumors.

Hair loss cannot be cured, but it is controllable and preventable

  What are the main symptoms of patients who go to the hair clinic?

Yang Dingquan introduced that in the Hair Medical Center of the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, there are more than 20,000 outpatient visits each year, of which 80% are androgenetic patients, and men account for 60% to 80%, followed by telogen alopecia and alopecia areata.

  Experts say that most of the hair loss patients in my country are curable, controllable and preventable.

For androgenetic patients, after regular diagnosis and treatment, 90% of patients can stop the loss, 70% of patients can be partially improved.

  "Chinese Androgenetic Alopecia Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines" (2014) once pointed out that patients need 1 year of treatment to achieve better results. Later, they can stay at home or go to a nursing institution for regular maintenance, by taking partial photos of themselves or taking pictures in designated hospitals. Observe the changes of the condition by using the hair mirror photo.

  However, because patients lack professional knowledge, how can home care be used to judge the efficacy?

“The simpler method is to divide one side of the hair into half after shampooing and separate the middle seam, and take pictures every month for 6 consecutive months. By comparing the width of the seam, we can preliminarily judge whether the treatment is effective.” Yang Dingquan said.

  "We will compare the images before and after the treatment to analyze the number of hairs, hair density, hair diameter, number of single hair follicles, number of multiple hair follicles and other related indicators. While the health of the scalp is improving, whether the number and diameter of hairs have also improved." Yang Dingquan Introduced, this hair image processing system is also the current international general hair disease analysis system method.

Our team has established a full-process management model for the diagnosis, treatment, hair transplantation, and maintenance of hair diseases, and the curative effect will be relatively long-lasting.

  When talking about the rejuvenation of male hair loss, Yang Dingquan believes that stress, anxiety, fatigue, and poor sleep quality due to high school or work pressure can cause or aggravate the symptoms of hair loss.

For families with a genetic background of male alopecia, parents must understand the factors that induce androgenetic alopecia in advance, so as to achieve early detection, early prevention and early treatment.

Although hair loss cannot be cured at present, it is controllable and curable. When the condition is serious, you should go to a regular hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

Professional evaluation must be done before hair transplant

  With the development of medical technology, some patients are interested in hair transplants when traditional treatment methods are not effective.

  "The basic principle of hair transplantation is the redistribution of hair follicle resources, which means that healthy hair follicles are transplanted to the place where they are needed." Yang Dingquan said that the most popular hair transplant is FUE, which is a method of extracting a single follicle unit. It has less trauma, high efficiency, and Fast recovery is the current mainstream hair transplant method.

  He emphasized that professional evaluation must be carried out before hair transplantation, and the principles of good health, good scalp, and good hair follicles must be followed before hair transplantation. If the condition of the donor site's hair follicles and the recipient site's scalp are not good, or suffer from seborrheic dermatitis, tinea capitis For scalp diseases such as lupus erythematosus, it is temporarily not suitable for hair transplantation.

  Zhang Hua (a pseudonym) from Zhejiang Province had symptoms of hair loss during adolescence.

After medical evaluation, Zhang Hua's hair follicle condition can be autologous transplanted.

  "Autologous transplantation is to transplant your own healthy hair to your own hair-receiving area. If you plant other people's hair often rejection reactions, you also need to take rejection drugs, so the treatment will not be worthwhile." Yang Dingquan introduced, for hair transplantation At present, most of them are autologous transplants.

  It is understood that the biggest demand for hair transplants is male baldness patients.

Data shows that if a good hair transplant is needed, androgenetic patients generally need 6 to 12 months of treatment to allow more hair in the hair donor area to enter the growth period and ensure that more healthy hair follicles can be extracted.

As the scalp in the hair transplant area gradually returns to its normal state and the primary hair grows fully, a better hair transplant effect can be obtained with fewer hair follicle units.

  Alopecia patients generally have sparse hair on the top of their heads. How to obtain healthy “seeds” of hair onset?

"At present, intelligent robots have entered the line of transplantation. They can use intelligent recognition to determine whether the hair follicles are in the resting phase or the growth phase, and automatically extract the hair follicles in the growth phase. At the same time, the robots are tireless, and the efficiency of the hair follicles is drilled. And the quality is much better than manual drilling." Yang Dingquan said.

  The effect is most obvious after one year of hair transplant, but it does not mean that it will be done once and for all.

Yang Dingquan emphasized that good care should be taken before and after the hair transplant, otherwise the hair in the non-hair transplant area will continue to fall off, which will form a hair loss zone, which will further affect the image.

Therefore, it is necessary to combine “nourishing”, “planting” and “protecting” while maintaining the health of the body and scalp. In this way, having a thick and shiny hair is not a “Nanke Yimeng”.

  Regrettably, some dermatologists have found that some patients have worked so hard to adhere to the treatment for a year, but after seeing the results, it is difficult to adhere to follow-up visits and routine maintenance.

  "In this case, usually relapse will occur after 3 months, return to the initial state in about 1 year, and continue to worsen, and eventually may form baldness." Yang Dingquan emphasized that hair loss, like many chronic diseases, requires long-term management and cannot be sudden. To stop the drug, it is necessary to standardize the reduction and withdrawal of the drug under the guidance of the doctor.

After the curative effect is satisfied, you can choose to stay at home or go to a nursing institution to consolidate the curative effect.

Need professional medical institutions to lead the standardized development of the hair industry

  Medical staff who specialize in hair medicine need to not only diagnose the physiopathology of hair, but also understand the path of diagnosis and treatment of hair diseases and the evaluation method of curative effect in order to provide patients with high-level services.

  At present, the main body of hair medicine is dermatology, as well as cosmetology, plastic surgery and traditional Chinese medicine.

"They understand the growth, regression, and resting period of hair follicles, which are very important for hair diagnosis and treatment. During hair transplantation, if the drilled hair follicle is in the resting period, the possibility of survival after hair transplantation is very small." Yang Dingquan said.

  The huge population of hair loss has brought huge market needs, and various institutions are mixed.

"Some institutions have false propaganda and illegal diagnosis and treatment, which harm the interests of patients, and require professional medical institutions to lead the standardized development of the hair industry." Yang Dingquan told reporters that a number of public medical institutions are actively participating in the construction of hair clinics or hair medical centers.

  In recent years, about 600 public medical institutions nationwide have opened outpatient clinics for hair diseases, and about 25,000 dermatologists participated. This is a drop in the bucket for 250 million patients with hair loss.

In Yang Dingquan's view, as long as a medical institution has a dermatology department, it is no problem to provide basic diagnosis and treatment for patients through professional training.

I hope that more dermatologists, cosmetologists, and plastic surgeons can join the diagnosis and treatment of the hair field.

  In order to provide standardized diagnosis and treatment to more patients, in October 2017, the National Health Commission established the Hair Disease Quality Control Center. The Hair Medical Center of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, as the lead unit, established the country’s first hair specialist consortium. At present, there are 368 public medical institutions above Class II from 30 provinces and cities across the country, with an average increase of 60 institutions each year.

  "The formation of the hair specialist medical consortium can solve the bottleneck of this industry development to a certain extent." Yang Dingquan pointed out that through the development of a series of standardized medical records and image management, member units can recognize each other's results, refer each other, and carry out hair Remote disease consultation and difficult case discussion, to develop personalized scientific treatment plans for patients.

  According to Yang Dingquan, the medical consortium regularly carries out special technical training for hair diseases, including a three-month special hair technology class, a six-month hair special disease class, and a one-year hair transplant training.

"Because hair transplantation is the most cutting-edge technology in hair medicine, integrating medicine, aesthetics and art. It takes about a year of training to be able to work independently."

  "The purpose of this work is to work with colleagues across the country to better provide standardized diagnosis and treatment services for the majority of alopecia patients." Yang Dingquan said, sincerely hope that every alopecia patient will be able to regain vitality from the beginning.

(Reporter Jin Zhenya)