Well, at least the question counts: What would you do if you didn't do anything?

Not working, not competing, not wanting to get up.

Letting the hamster wheel run alone.

Couldn't the market finally be defeated that way?

Active resistance through unconditional passivity?

Ingenious thought.

The main actress in a Cologne drama production came up with this and wanted to deal with Goncharov's lazy novel “Oblomow”, published in 1859.

However, soon after the rehearsals began, Luana Velis fell victim to the hubris of hyperidentification - because the actress wanted to take her lines personally, she decided to stay at home.


No, of course not, because today you can only be alone if others are watching you.

So the whole thing was broadcast live with the help of a market-oriented streaming provider.

"Twitch" is the name, which means something like "nervous jerks" - so don't keep calm.

Velis has recorded long sequences of conversations here over the past few weeks, fundamental discussions with her ensemble, with the director Luk Perceval, with herself. She is filming her apartment, her aquarium, her houseplant.

Ailing theater system

She wants to be radical. But whenever she wants to “grab the whole system and shake it right”, the operator stupidly puts in an advertising block for a new iPhone or an investment bank. No matter how passionate she is, she can say goodbye to the idea of ​​competition - the operator only tolerates her “prefer not to” as long as the quota is right. The average was just over three hundred spectators. For them, Velis goes to great lengths, lets you look deep into your soul, hums lullabies, talks about the “ailing theater system”. It remains to be seen what exactly is ailing: She dislikes the hierarchical principle of leadership, everything has to become much more “democratic” (the question would be whether it would also become more free). But is the form of the idea also outdated? Velis does not want to "quote" her figure,that means: abolish the game and replace it with the so-called reality. “Authentic” is the worn out catchphrase.

Instead of hoping for characters who have experienced more than you have, you bring them down to excuse your own fatigue.

It is not about an anarchic claim to one's own history, but about the conformist demand for more navel gazing.

On the day the carnival began in Cologne, “Oblomow revisited” also celebrated its premiere.

With three actors on stage and an actress who was connected from her home office.

Three thousand people watched as the work was declared a primordial evil here.

Sometimes doing nothing like this can seem superfluous.