Chinanews, November 8th. According to the "India Express" report, the latest data from the National Criminal Records Office (NCRB) in India shows that compared with 2019, the number of suicides by businessmen in the country in 2020 has increased by nearly 50%.

At the same time, the overall number of suicides in the country increased by 10%, a record high.

In 2020, the overall number of suicides in India hit a record high.

Among them, businessmen have the highest increase in suicide rate.

The number of suicides in the business sector exceeds that of farmers.

Image source: Screenshot of "The Times of India" report.

  According to reports, the new crown epidemic has caused economic difficulties.

According to data released by the National Criminal Records Office (NCRB) of India, compared with 2019, the suicide rate of Indian "businessmen" has increased by nearly 50%, the highest among all categories.

At the same time, the number of suicides in the Indian business community increased by 29% in 2020.

  Statistics show that in 2020, the number of suicides in the Indian business community exceeds that of farmers.

Specifically, as many as 11,716 business people died as a result of suicide.

In the same year, 10,677 Indian farmers died by suicide.

  The report pointed out that traditionally, compared with farmers, the number of suicide deaths in the business world has always been lower.

The new crown epidemic and the ensuing blockade have dealt a heavy blow to small businesses and traders, and many people have been forced to close their doors or default on loans.

  Anil Bahadwaji, Secretary-General of the Federation of Indian Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, said, “In the 2020 pandemic of the new crown, small businesses have been very severely affected. Until now, it is believed that more farmers have failed to harvest crops. Suicide with increased loans. This shows that the pressure on businessmen is not small, and the pandemic has made the situation worse.”

  At the same time, the overall number of suicides in India increased by 10% to 153,052, a record high.