White vinegar is one of the products that should not be dispensed with in cleaning the house, due to its effectiveness in removing stains, its versatility, and its low cost, but it should be used with caution when cleaning some purposes.

Author Lawrence O says - in a report published by the French magazine "Santeplusmag" - that natural cleaning products such as white vinegar or baking soda are a great alternative to chemical cleaning products.

White vinegar is a safe and effective cleaner, as it is biodegradable and has the ability to remove unpleasant odors and grease from various surfaces.

Thanks to its pH, white vinegar can eliminate stains and limescale.

White vinegar can be used to clean all areas of the home, such as the refrigerator, litter boxes, windows, and toilets.

Disadvantages of using white vinegar

Although white vinegar is very useful for cleaning, polishing and sanitizing surfaces, it should not come into contact with some substances:

It should not be mixed with javelin water

Some may think that it is useful to mix vinegar with javelin or chlorine water to get perfect hygiene, but this mixture is dangerous to health, as the combination of acid and chlorine causes respiratory problems.

White vinegar is one of the products that should not be dispensed with in cleaning the house (German)

Avoid contact with marble

Maintaining the appearance and luster of marble requires not using white vinegar, as acidity gradually changes the appearance of the marble.

It is recommended to clean marble surfaces using liquid black soap.

cleaning knives

Maintaining the appearance of knives, especially silver ones, requires that they not be cleaned with any acidic product, such as lemon juice or white vinegar.

Alternatively, regular dishwashing liquid and a piece of cloth can be used.

Maintaining the appearance of knives requires that they not be cleaned with any acidic product, such as lemon juice or white vinegar (Pixabe).

Egg spot cleaning

It is not recommended to clean egg stains with vinegar, as this may condense the egg proteins which form a sticky composition that is difficult to remove.

Egg spots can be removed by using oil-absorbing wipes and soap.

Iron cleaning

Acidity can damage some irons, so avoid cleaning them with white vinegar.

Alternatively, you can sprinkle a tablespoon of salt onto a cloth and run it under the iron to remove dirt, then rinse it off with a damp sponge.

Gemstone cleaning

Although white vinegar is an effective product for cleaning jewelry, the situation is different with gemstones;

Once in contact with white vinegar, the acidity spoils the luster of the stones.

To maintain its luster, it is recommended to pour a few drops of olive oil on a soft cloth and gently wipe the stones.