
Lee Jae-myung vs. Yoon Seok-yeol, a huge bipartisan presidential candidate, became as clear as the strengths and the risk factors. First, we need to break through the suspicion of Daejang-dong and the accuser.

Reporter Lee Hyun-young summarized the so-called three major risks.


Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung's suspicions about the development of Daejang-dong are the biggest risk, and People's Power candidate Yoon Seok-yeol's suspicions about accusation.

Candidate Lee stipulates that the suspicion of large-scale movement is a 'gate of the people's power', and Candidate Yoon counters that the allegation of accusation itself is a 'passport operation'.

Investigations and trials are also underway on the allegations of Lee's payment of attorneys' fees, the alleged manipulation of the Deutsche Motors stock price by Kim Gun-hee, the wife of Candidate Yoon, and the allegations related to his mother-in-law.

As the two candidates who made it to the ring of finals, 'the best defense is an attack', it seems likely that they will focus on digging into the suspicion of their opponents.

Until yesterday (5th), the first day of the finals, the candidates are still searching.

[Yijaemyeong / Democratic presidential candidate: If not Fight What, I think you have to create better the lives of Americans make the competition in good faith for the country in a more hopeful, do well the competition.]

[Yunseokyeol / the national forces candidates: As an honest commitment to the people I am not thinking of any engineering approach or anything other than dealing with it.]

However, the party is already ready for a decisive battle.

The Democratic Party is operating a task force named 'Investigate the truth about the national flag disorder', and the People's Power 'Investigate Lee Jae-myung's corruption'.

Another risk for the two candidates is 'misbehavior'.

Candidate Lee's remarks such as 'the US occupation force', 'undressing pants', and 'I'm pulling it out' caused controversy.

Candidate Yoon also directly apologized for his '120-hour work week' and 'unclean food' and 'remarks to defend Mr. Chun Doo-hwan'.

If the chemical bond with the second-place candidate camp in the primary is incomplete, that is also a risk.

Candidate Lee, who escaped the runoff vote by 0.29 percentage points after losing the 3rd Super Week, and Yoon, who fell behind by more than 10 percentage points in a poll reflecting 50 percent.

Maybe that's why, the two candidates are calling themselves 'Senior Nak-Yeon Lee' and 'Senior Jun-Pyo Hong'.

(Video editing: Park Soo-sun)