Barely released in October 2020, she was already talking about her return to Mali ... The former French hostage Sophie Pétronin, who had been a laboratory assistant in Bordeaux before becoming a humanitarian, would have returned to Mali in March irregularly, according to reports. information from Radio France Internationale and Médiapart.

After it was reported in the region of Sikasso, in the south of the country, a search notice was issued Friday evening by the general direction of the Malian gendarmerie.

#Mali: Located in #Bamako, Sophie Petronin had been living illegally since her irregular immigration #Mali.

- Baba Ahmed (@Baba_A_) November 2, 2021

He asks "all the units" to locate the French humanitarian worker, to apprehend her and "to lead her under good escort" to Bamako.

According to RFI, the French humanitarian would have taken steps shortly after his release, to obtain a residence visa from the Malian authorities.

Wearing several refusals, she would have joined, with the help of her son, the country by her own means via Senegal.

She wanted to join her adopted daughter in Mali

Involved for sixteen years in humanitarian aid in Mali, the 75-year-old woman would not have supported her return to Switzerland, where she had been living in a village since her release.

She also wanted to join her adopted daughter in Mali, aged 19.

It remains to be seen why the authorities issued a wanted notice only seven months after his return to Mali, his presence certainly not having gone unnoticed during this time.

Sophie Pétronin was kidnapped on December 24, 2016 by the Support Group for Islam and Muslims (GSIM), affiliated with Al-Qaida, of which she had remained captive for four years.


Mali: Sophie Pétronin "is a fighter, she has been very strong during all these years"


Release of Sophie Pétronin: France not involved in negotiations to free the hostages, according to Parly

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