A Libyan bought a falcon at a value of 450 thousand dollars, known in the local Libyan as "Abharia", a rare type of falcon, after it was caught south of Tobruk, near the well of Al-Duwidar, at a local price of two million and 250 thousand Libyan dinars.

The Libyan Muhammad Al-Saadawi said that the price of the falcon is considered the most expensive in the Arab world, due to its follow-up to the field of birds in the Gulf. He said in local press statements that the bird’s size is 16*16, and its weight is 1250 grams, and the color of the feathers on the chest side is white, and this is what distinguishes the bird.

Al-Libi published several videos of the falcon on his Facebook account, and celebrated his acquisition, amid the joy of his tribe.