• G20, Draghi: "Roof at 1.5 ° C was a success, there is a commitment from all countries"

  • Concluded the G20, Draghi: "We will be judged for what we do"


October 31, 2021


The G20 countries "undertake to face the critical and urgent threat of climate change and to work together to make Glasgow Unfccc Cop26 successful", is the commitment set out in the final declaration. "To this end, we reaffirm our commitment to full and effective implementation of the UNFCC and the Paris Agreement". In an effort to limit the rise in average temperatures to within 1.5 degrees, "we will accelerate our actions on mitigation, adaptation and finance, recognizing the the fundamental importance of achieving global zero greenhouse gas emissions or carbon neutrality by or around the middle of the century and the need to strengthen the global efforts needed to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement ".


The G20 countries "pledge to mobilize international public and private funding to support the development of green, inclusive and sustainable energy" and announce the "end to international public funding for new coal-fired power generation by the end of 2021 ", is one of the most decisive actions in the fight against climate change. The final declaration emphasizes "the close link between climate and energy" and reaffirms "the commitment to reduce the intensity of emissions in the energy sector in order to meet the deadlines" defined by the target set in the Paris climate conference.

"We will collaborate on the implementation and dissemination of renewable and zero- or low-emission technologies, including sustainable bioenergy, to enable a transition to low-emission power systems," the note continues, explaining how "this will also enable countries that pledge to phase out investments in new coal-fired power generation capacity to do so as soon as possible. "


Increasing "efforts to ensure timely, equitable and universal access to vaccines", with particular attention to the "needs of low and middle income countries", is the commitment made by the G20. Recognizing that vaccines "are among the most important tools against the pandemic" and reaffirming that global immunization to Covid-19 is "a global public good", the G20 countries reiterated the goal of vaccinating at least 40% of the world population by the end of 2021 and 70% by mid-2022, as recommended by the World Health Organization.

"We will work together for the recognition of vaccines for Covid-19 deemed safe and effective by the WHO and to strengthen the capacity of the organization regarding the approval of vaccines", write the countries highlighting "the goal of expanding the list of vaccines authorized for emergency use, while continuing to protect public health and guaranteeing privacy and data protection ".

"We recognize that funding for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response needs to become more adequate, more sustainable and better coordinated and require continued cooperation between health and finance decision makers, including to address potential funding gaps. mobilizing an appropriate mix of existing multilateral financing mechanisms and new financing mechanisms ", add the representatives at the top.


After the impact of Covid in 2020, this year the global economy is experiencing a "sustained" recovery, thanks to vaccination campaigns and the continuous support of fiscal policies: however, "the recovery remains very divergent between and within countries and exposed to downside risks ", reads the statement that underlines the risk linked to" the possible spread of new variants of Covid-19 and irregular vaccination rates ".

The big names confirm their "determination to use all available tools for as long as necessary to face the negative consequences of the pandemic" and undertake "to support the recovery, avoiding the premature withdrawal of support measures, preserving financial stability and long-term fiscal sustainability ".

Reiterating the commitment of central banks to monitor recent inflation trends, G20 members confirm "attention to the global challenges that are impacting our economies" such as problems in supply chains.

"We will work together to monitor and address these issues as our economies continue to recover and to support the stability of the global economy."