In the United States, a woman got caught in a car door while chasing a robber who stole a wallet and was dragged along with her dog.


The third search term for clicking is 'Bongbyeon to chase the robber'.

A street in Houston, Texas, USA.

A red car approaches behind a woman walking with her dog.

A man with a gun gets out of the car and starts threatening the woman.

The startled woman screams, and the robbers don't mind the horns of nearby cars, but they try to steal her wallet and run away.

However, at this time, the woman who was chasing got caught in the passenger door.

The vehicle left as it was, and the woman holding the dog on the leash was dragged several meters with the dog.

According to police, the suspect later pushed the woman out of the vehicle, and the woman fell on the road and broke her arm.

Local police are looking for the suspect, offering a $5,000 bounty.

Netizens responded, "You have a really thick face in broad daylight!! Shameless robbers will be punished!", "It's like a scene from a crime movie. It almost had a big problem."

(Screen source: Twitter hpdrobbery)