The Association of Southeast Asian Nations issued a statement by the chairman of the summit, expressing concern about the situation in Myanmar, which will deepen the turmoil after the coup d'etat, and urging the Myanmar side to promptly accept a special envoy that mediates between the military and pro-democracy. I did.

ASEAN held a summit meeting of member states online on the 26th, and Brunei, the presidency, compiled a statement by the presidency.

The statement expressed concern over the post-coup situation in Myanmar, with a series of casualties and violence.

Then, with the participation of the top of the Myanmar military, including the acceptance of an ASEAN special envoy that mediates between the military and the pro-democracy, the five items agreed at the summit meeting in April were "promptly and fully implemented. I'm asking.

ASEAN invited senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from Myanmar to this series of summit meetings instead of the top of the army who took control in the coup d'etat, but the Myanmar army insisted that it violated the principles of ASEAN and decided not to attend. We are taking unusual measures.

The statement dismissed the Myanmar military's claim, saying, "We reaffirmed that the application of ASEAN principles, including the rule of law and democracy, requires a proper balance."

In addition, the statement clarified that concerns were expressed by multiple countries, keeping in mind that China is strengthening its expansion into the South China Sea while avoiding naming, and made rules to prevent conflicts in accordance with international law. It emphasizes the importance of advancing.