Recently, the research team of the Institute of Quantum Information and Quantum Science and Technology Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has made important progress in the quantum computing of superconducting quantum and optical quantum systems, making China the only one in the world to achieve the milestone of "quantum computing superiority" in the two physical systems. s country.

  After research and research, the superconducting quantum computing research team built a 66-bit programmable superconducting quantum computing prototype "Zuchongzhi No. 2", which realized the rapid solution of the "quantum random line sampling" task, which is faster than the fastest supercomputer at present Ten million times, the computational complexity is one million times higher than that of Google’s superconducting quantum computing prototype "Plalanus", making China the first time in the superconducting system to reach the milestone of "quantum computing superiority".

  At the same time, the optical quantum computing research team built 113 photon 144-mode quantum computing prototype "Nine Chapter 2", which can handle specific problems billions of billions of times faster than supercomputers, and enhances the programming and computing capabilities of the optical quantum computing prototype. .

Professor Lu Chaoyang of the University of Science and Technology of China:

We have increased the previous nine chapters of the optical quantum computer from 76 photons to 113 photons, which is billions of billions of times faster than supercomputers.

  Superconducting qubits and optical qubits are internationally recognized physical systems that are expected to realize scalable quantum computing.

The solution of specific problems by quantum computers surpasses the superiority of supercomputers, that is, quantum computing, and is the first milestone in the development of quantum computing.

Pan Jianwei, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: In the

next step, we hope to achieve quantum error correction through four to five years of hard work. Based on the use of quantum error correction, we can explore the use of some dedicated quantum computers or quantum simulators to solve some problems. Scientific issues of great application value.

(CCTV reporter Shuai Junquan Fang Tian from Anhui Taiwan)