"China and Russia threaten neighboring countries with actions that are not based on the rule of law," said Deltoro, the head of the U.S. Navy, about the first simultaneous passage of Chinese and Russian vessels through the Tsugaru Straits and Osumi Straits last week. We are trying to do so, "he emphasized the idea of ​​strengthening alliances with countries in the Indo-Pacific, including Japan.

Chinese and Russian ships all passed through the Tsugaru Strait on the 18th of this month and sailed near the Izu Islands, and then on the 22nd, they also passed through the Osumi Strait in Kagoshima Prefecture.

The Tsugaru Strait and the Osumi Strait are both international straits where foreign vessels, including warships, are allowed to navigate, but this is the first time that Chinese and Russian vessels have passed at the same time.

"Recent China and Russia are trying to threaten neighboring countries with actions that are not based on the rule of law," US Navy Secretary Carlos Deltro, who is visiting Japan, said in a telephone interview on the 25th. He stated and showed a strong sense of crisis.

"We will deter China and Russia to reaffirm that the international order based on the rule of law is the key to regional economic stability," he said. He emphasized that he would strengthen the alliance with China and enhance deterrence through free navigation operations.

Secretary Deltoro also said that the Biden administration is currently reviewing the posture of the US military deployed around the world, and that a new posture will be announced by the beginning of next year.