- We really want people to understand the importance of getting vaccinated and it is sad that there are still many who still do not have the strength or time to get vaccinated, says David Edenvik while he looks at his computer screen to read the latest statistics over vaccination coverage in the county.

Filter bubbles

He believes that some skeptics base their arguments on what they have heard in their environment and on social media, and that healthcare must try to penetrate those filter bubbles.

At the same time, Edenvik says that it is difficult as there may be a distrust of authorities in certain groups where vaccination coverage is lower.

- You wish they could get into this for real, through facts and not rumors.

People need to take personal responsibility and read on.

In September, figures from the Medical Products Agency showed that almost 73,000 reports of suspected side effects of the covid vaccine had been received.

The cases are reviewed on an ongoing basis and the authority's conclusion was that serious side effects are extremely rare.

In the clip above, you hear David Edenvik tell how he still thinks that you could convince some of those who have chosen not to get vaccinated against covid-19.

The covid patient regrets that he has not been vaccinated - coughing up blood

In early September, SVT reported on Muhamet Abazi from Jönköping who became seriously ill with covid-19 and vomited blood and was hospitalized.

He regretted that he did not get vaccinated and is now trying to persuade others he knows to think about.

Unvaccinated Muhamet Abazi, 43, did not think he would get as seriously ill from covid-19 as he did, and now he is urging others to get vaccinated.

Photo: Private / SVT

- I did not think I would get sick, and never that it could go so bad, the 43-year-old said the days after he was discharged from the hospital.