How many bursts of the fascia gun can you lose weight?

Want to be beautiful

  I don’t know when the fascia gun burst into flames. Not only fitness experts and celebrities were using it, but even office workers and square dancers regarded it as a "relaxing artifact", wherever it hurts.

The fascia gun was once affixed with various labels such as "relax muscles, relieve fatigue", "weight loss and shape, burn fat", "relieve cervical spine, cure diseases" and so on.

So is the fascia gun useful?

Can anyone use it to relax?

Come and hear what the doctor says...

  Fascia gun is good, but exercise is better

  What is the principle of the fascia gun?

Fascia is the white filamentous part of the muscle, and there may be fascia in the muscles and tendon tissues of the whole body.

The fascia gun is mainly aimed at the myofascial, rather than simply referring to the fascia.

Fascia gun is a soft tissue rehabilitation tool. It relaxes the soft tissues of the body through high-frequency vibrations, relaxes muscles, reduces local tissue tension, and promotes blood circulation.

For muscle fatigue, or pain symptoms caused by muscle and fascia tension, it can play a certain soothing effect.

  It should be noted that the fascia gun must be used cautiously and reasonably.

Fascia guns and other equipment cannot replace people's active exercise. To reduce the pain, the most effective way is to change the lifestyle and get active.

It is recommended that you should exercise three to five times a week with a certain intensity; sit for half an hour to 45 minutes to get up and move for a few minutes, and you can do some gentle stretching exercises, such as rotating the neck, changing the sitting posture regularly, and actively stretching and relaxing Muscles of the chest, back, neck, etc.

  Hit wherever it hurts?

Don't use these parts

  There are many parts of our body that are not suitable for use with fascia guns, such as the head, cervical spine, chest, armpits, joints, etc., especially where blood vessels, nerves, and lymph are densely covered. Do not touch them. Misuse will cause muscle damage. , Bones, nerves, etc. cause damage.

The fascia gun is only suitable for the waist, back and other muscular parts, so everyone should pay attention to it when using it, not where it hurts.

  It is worth noting that not everyone is suitable for fascia guns.

People who work at the desk for a long time, use a computer for a long time, and sit still are a high incidence of cervical spine diseases. Such people may have dizziness, neck stiffness, neck and shoulder pain, numbness and other symptoms.

It is recommended that such people should be diagnosed by professional doctors and rehabilitation therapists.

If cervical spondylosis is caused by muscle stiffness, using a fascia gun may achieve a certain pain relief effect.

But many cervical spondylosis is not only caused by muscle stiffness, but also other reasons. At this time, the fascia gun should not be used indiscriminately.

  Don't mention weight loss, improper use will cause swelling

  Can fascia gun massage achieve the effect of weight loss?

The answer may disappoint you-no.

When the fascia gun relaxes the leg muscles, it often gives people the illusion of thin legs, but from the kinematics and metabolic mechanism, there is no basis for the fascia gun to lose weight.

  There will be no fat and calorie consumption during use, and weight loss will not be achieved.

If you want to lose weight, it is recommended to use scientific and reasonable methods, such as controlling calorie intake, and strengthening exercises, so as to achieve faster and better weight loss results.

  Not only does the fascia gun have no magical effect on weight loss, it also takes too long and may cause muscle cramps.

  Because the force of the fascia gun is relatively strong, it is generally sufficient to use it in the same position for about 5 to 10 minutes.

If the fascia gun is used in the same part for a long time, it will not only not relieve muscle fatigue or pain, but will cause greater irritation to muscles and blood vessels and aggravate muscle fatigue.

In severe cases, it may cause muscle cramps and even muscle damage.

Therefore, the fascia gun must be used in accordance with the instructions or under the guidance of professionals.

  The correct use of the fascia gun will not cause muscle swelling, so if this happens, it means that the muscles have been damaged due to improper use.

It is recommended that patients apply cold compresses to the swelling area first to prevent the swelling from becoming more severe. After 24 hours, use hot compresses or medicines that promote blood circulation to relieve blood stasis.

If the swelling or pain is severe, you should seek medical treatment in time and treat under the guidance of a professional doctor.

  By Yang Guannan (Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Center)