• Pensions reform, from Quota 100 to Quota 104: how the early exit from work changes

  • Pensions, CGIL: only 10 thousand people involved in Quota 102-104

  • Pensions, Tridico: "Anticipation to 63/64 years with contributions"


October 25, 2021 High tension in the majority on the delicate issue of pensions: a front that seems destined to remain open at least until Thursday when the CDM should be convened to approve the budget law.  

The next few hours will serve to find, with the majority and with the social partners, a difficult agreement on the many knots still to be resolved, starting with the mechanism to overcome Quota 100. The government has set its limits with the programmatic budget document (Dpb ) sent to Brussels: the big figures have been defined for each chapter of the maneuver and - the message is clear - there is no intention to upset that system. But the tension in the majority arises over how to use the funds. Also because Enrico Letta says no to the quota system which is instead strongly desired by the League and asks to intervene with a flexible mechanism, in particular for heavy jobs and women.  

The executive rejected Matteo Salvini's proposal to apply Quota 102 for two years, because it would create a staircase. A mechanism is being worked on with a fixed exit age of 64 until 2024 and increasing contributions. The idea could be more pleasing to the Dems but it would still not convince the leaguers, who however say they want to negotiate and launch their counter-proposals.  

A table with the trade unions, which have already rejected the government's proposal on pensions, and a meeting of the control room should precede the arrival of the maneuver in the CDM. At the moment there are no convocations, but it seems difficult for the Council of Ministers to take place on Tuesday and even the date of Wednesday seems difficult to work out, due to the commitments on the agenda of the Minister of Economy Daniele Franco.

Therefore, Thursday is the most plausible date, also because the premier has been involved in the G20 since Friday. Matteo Salvini, who with Silvio Berlusconi will bring together the Lega and Fi ministers on the maneuver, says he is ready to meet Draghi to address the open issues. And an interview, according to parliamentary sources, could also take place with the M5s leader Giuseppe Conte, who is pressing for the extension (currently not foreseen) of 'his' cashback.

 The work of the technicians continued throughout the weekend, with informal contacts with the party 'lieutenants'.

But the crux remains that of resources, because to increase (we are talking about a billion) the funds of the maneuver, it is necessary to find them or take them away elsewhere. The chapter of the tax cut is also still to be defined, so thorny that the decision could be postponed to the parliamentary procedure of the maneuver: Draghi and Franco would like to allocate the 8 billion available to cut the wedge for workers, but the center-right and companies insist on cancel or at least reduce the IRAP. Another battle is announced on the bonus chapter. Because the extension of the 110% incentive to 2023 not only for condominiums but also for villas, as all parties are asking, would have too high costs, according to government estimates.It is not excluded that in the end an extension of a few months will be granted - from June to December 2022 - also for single-family homes, but the perplexities of the executive remain, given that the measure in the long term is unsustainable and the recovery of the economy makes it less essential to push the construction industry. The Democratic Party, with Minister Dario Franceschini, also insists on the facades bonus, already rejected in the Council of Ministers by Draghi, even with a reduction in the percentage from 90% to 70%.already rejected in the Council of Ministers by Draghi, even with a reduction in the percentage from 90% to 70%.already rejected in the Council of Ministers by Draghi, even with a reduction in the percentage from 90% to 70%.