The switchover will begin on Monday evening, and is expected to be completed on Thursday.

- Then we will ensure that the water maintains drinking water quality before we send it out to consumers, says Max Persson, project manager at Sydvatten.

As a result, Vombverket will supply a larger number of households with water than usual.

Small risk of water shortage

But according to Max Persson, there is no major risk that someone will be left without water.

- It is not the case that we risk being without water, but possibly there may be low pressure in certain areas during certain times, he says.

"Wait to wash the car"

As more households than usual will share the water, affected households are encouraged to be more economical with water than usual.

- Above all, you can shower instead of bathing, and shower for a shorter time than usual, turn off the tap when you are not using it, for example when you brush your teeth, and wait to wash the car, says Max Persson.

Affected areas are Burlöv, Lund, Malmö, Staffanstorp, Svedala and Vellinge and Flyinge in Eslöv.