Chinanews, Taipei, October 24th, 25th is the 76th anniversary of Taiwan's recovery.

The Taiwan Labor Party issued a statement on the 24th stating that this is an important anniversary for compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to jointly defeat Japanese aggressors and colonists in modern history.

Legal history cannot be distorted, and one China on both sides of the strait is unshakable, and calls for opposing "Taiwan independence", returning to the "1992 consensus", and maintaining peace and stability in cross-strait relations.

  The statement pointed out that the ununified situation between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait is a question left over from the history of the civil war after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War.

The current cross-strait peaceful reunification movement is aimed at upholding historical justice and correcting the distorted positioning of cross-strait relations.

The DPP authorities' recent wanton tailoring of history is bound to further deteriorate the development of cross-strait relations and bring Taiwan into danger.

  The statement stated that it solemnly protests that the US hegemony forces use neo-colonial means to seek its hegemony and national interests, regard Taiwan as a pawn against the mainland, and intend to deteriorate the situation in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea for a long time.

On the one hand, this has severely undermined peace and stability. On the other hand, the United States has used this to blackmail and manipulate Taiwan’s political situation, and force the sale of weapons and armaments, which has also harmed the security and interests of the broad masses of Taiwan people.

  The statement called on all sectors of Taiwan society to face up to the historical significance of Taiwan’s recovery and the practical significance of demonstrating that both sides of the strait belong to one China. By commemorating Taiwan’s recovery, returning to the stand of the Chinese nation, upholding national justice, harmonizing the feelings of compatriots on both sides of the strait, and getting rid of the interference of external forces such as the United States and Japan. , I hope the two sides of the strait will resume dialogue at an early date, promote the peace and stability of cross-strait relations, and safeguard the well-being of compatriots on both sides of the strait, so as to comfort the spirits of the anti-Japanese martyrs.

  The statement said that both history and reality tell us that as long as the country has not been completely reunified, there will be hegemonism manipulating the Taiwan issue, and various deformed "two-state theory" propositions also violate the UN Charter and ultimately will not work. opposition.

As Mr. Sun Yat-sen emphasized in history, only by opposing imperialist interference and pursuing national reunification can the people enjoy the blessings.

  The statement also solemnly calls for the restoration of the October 25th to commemorate Taiwan’s recovery and the celebration of the commemoration ceremony; the reconstruction of the Governor’s Mansion during the Japanese occupation period as the Taiwan People’s Anti-Japanese Memorial Hall to comfort the anti-Japanese martyrs; oppose "Taiwan independence" and the "two-state theory" and return to " The "92 Consensus" is on the right track to maintain the peace and stability of cross-strait relations; revise the history syllabus, textbooks, and various teaching materials for primary and secondary schools to clarify the historical conception of Japanese colonialism in Taiwan.
