Can you adjust your body shape and slim your face?

Bones are not so godly

  Bone setting in Chinese medicine is to treat fractures, dislocations and other diseases by pushing, pulling, pressing, and pressing.

Osteogenesis can restore the limbs deformed due to bone and joint damage to the original position. Therefore, the main treatment target of bone orthosis is patients with bone, joint and soft tissue injuries caused by external forces.

  Zhao Qiang

  Vice President of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  Nowadays, many office workers suffer from various degrees of strain on their shoulders, neck, and waist due to long desk hours.

Some orthopedic shops on the market claim that traditional orthopedic therapy can improve shoulder, neck, waist and leg pain, remove the "rich bag", adjust the body shape, perform postpartum pelvic repair, and even "plastic surgery" with bare hands to make the big face smaller. , The bridge of the nose becomes taller.

  It can solve many years of chronic diseases without drugs or surgery. Osteopathy sounds like a miracle, and some celebrities also "stand on" for it to show its curative effect.

Topics such as "how amazing is bone setting", "how important is bone setting", "how cool is it to do bone setting" and other topics were once on the hot search list, sparking widespread discussion.

  But, is bone sculpting really such a god?

  It can treat bone injuries such as fractures and dislocations

  “Bone setting in traditional Chinese medicine is to treat fractures, dislocations and other diseases by pushing, pulling, pressing, pressing and other techniques.” Zhao Qiang, vice president of the First Affiliated Hospital of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said in an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily that bone setting can cause causes. The deformed limbs due to bone and joint damage are restored to their original position. Therefore, the main treatment targets for bone orthopedics are patients with bone joints and soft tissue injuries caused by external forces.

  It is understood that the bones of adults are composed of 206 bones. Except for a small number of bones that are connected by immobile joints and cartilage, most of them are connected by ligaments.

“The place of connection is not fixed. In addition to external impact, sprains, degenerative diseases, long-term sports strains and some bad postures may cause bone dislocation or slight dislocation.” Zhao Qiang explained, “It's like a car, driving it for a long time. Parts will be worn and loose, and the position of parts will change slightly. Human bones are the same."

  When the human bones are misaligned, it will oppress the surrounding soft tissues, causing the meridians to be blocked, the qi and blood will be blocked, and pain will be caused.

If the nerve is compressed, it will cause numbness in relevant parts of the body.

When the human bones are deformed, the fascia is also stretched and deformed, oppressing the viscera and organs, causing organ dysfunction, which in turn leads to a series of health problems.

  TCM orthopedics originates from ancient China and has a history of more than 2,000 years. It emphasizes "muscle relaxation, muscle management, and chiropractic", "palpation" (also called "mogu"), and emphasis on passing on experience in personnel training.

"At present, in the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Public Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the treatment of bone setting is mainly used to treat bone diseases such as dislocation. It is generally not used to treat cervical spondylosis and adjust body shape." Zhao Qiang said.

  Can't achieve face-lifting and rhinoplasty

  Li Binghui, the successor of Beijing Luo’s Bone Surgery and the founder of the Nine Methods of Fujitang·Fujii Fostering, has been engaged in bone setting for many years. In an interview with a reporter from Science and Technology Daily, he said that folk Chinese medicine “corrects” all the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons of the whole body. Groove advocates the combination of warm-up techniques, acupuncture and relaxation techniques, and bone therapy. After a period of treatment, it can improve shoulder, neck and low back pain, as well as hunchback, chest, high and low shoulders and other body shape problems. The effect is generally good.

  However, in response to the various bone-setting effects currently publicized on the market, Li Binghui emphasized that the mythology of bone-setting should not be overstated, because bone-setting is not omnipotent, and various methods are needed.

  For example, the current popular hand-shaping face thinning, some businesses claim that by adjusting the bones and narrowing the crevices, they can create a V-shaped face and augment the rhinoplasty.

"This is absolutely impossible, and if the technique is unprofessional, it will cause injury. Except for the mandible and hyoid bone, the rest of the bones or cartilage in the skull are firmly'sticked' together and cannot move between each other." Li Binghui introduced , Through some techniques, it may eliminate the edema of the face and make the skin firmer, so that the face becomes smaller and the nose becomes stronger visually, but the effect will not last long.

Due to chewing habits, the gravity of the earth and other reasons, the thin face and the erected nose will soon return to the original state.

  "In addition, like removing the'rich package', postpartum pelvic repair, etc., bone therapy can indeed play a certain role, but no matter what the treatment is not overnight. If you want to maintain it, you need to change your daily habits in addition to treatment." Li Binghui In other words, for example, false long and short legs are mainly caused by bad habits such as long-term leaning of the body, writing on the stomach, or swaying the legs, causing the spine or pelvis to tilt to one side.

This body shape can be improved through bone therapy, but if you continue to maintain these bad habits, the therapeutic effect will be greatly reduced.

  Although bone setting belongs to the category of Chinese medicine, it will also use imaging examination to assist the treatment.

"For cervical and lumbar diseases, we need to look at the patient's X-rays before treatment, because some diseases cannot be treated by bone setting." Li Binghui explained, for example, tumor patients may form bones in the spine due to bone metastasis. If it is destroyed, pain will appear there.

In this case, no external force can be applied to the part, otherwise it is easy to cause a fracture and cause the patient to be paralyzed.

In addition, patients with bone tuberculosis, pregnant women, and alcohol drinkers cannot be treated for bone treatment.

  Li Binghui said that the country is gradually regulating the bone setting market. According to the current requirements of relevant policy documents, operation projects such as massage bone setting, Gua Sha, cupping, etc. can only be carried out after the approval of the competent government department.

The public should keep their eyes open when choosing, and refrain from being deceived by undocumented institutions under the banners of "health preservation" and "physiotherapy".