A senior U.S. State Department official has strongly criticized the Chinese government for abusing a 50-year-old UN resolution to represent China in the United Nations and hindering Taiwanese authorities from working in the international community.

Deputy Secretary of State Rick Waters, who is in charge of China and Taiwan policy at the U.S. Department of State, said on the 21st that it will be 50 years since the UN General Assembly's resolution that the current Chinese government has the right to represent China in the United Nations. I participated in an online debate held before.

In this, Deputy Assistant Secretary Waters said, "The Chinese government has abused the resolution to prevent Taiwanese authorities from participating in the UN's activities meaningfully. It prevents the international community from making significant contributions from Taiwan." I strongly criticized.

He then urged UN member states to support Taiwan's participation in the activities of UN agencies to address global challenges such as the new coronavirus and climate change.

Taiwan aimed to participate as an observer at the WHO = World Health Organization's annual meeting held in May, but it was not accepted due to opposition from China and others.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Waters said, "Taiwan's health authorities have responded best to the new coronavirus in the world," and acknowledged that the findings should be shared more broadly.