The rapper Nils "Einár" Grönberg was only 19 years old.

On Friday, the artist's name has trended on Twitter and on Tiktok, young fans share their grief.

According to Malin Bergström, child psychologist and researcher, it is extremely important to capture all reactions and thoughts that may have arisen after the incident.

And she emphasizes the importance of not being afraid to up the discussion, even if it may feel difficult and problematic.

- You can completely forget this by "not waking the sleeping bear".

Young people and children are aware, they hear and receive a lot of information from peers.

The worst thing you can do in a situation like this is not to bring it up, says Malin Bergström and continues:

- When it comes to Einár in particular, I think it is especially important to talk about because it is about a culture that young people like, but which adults know very little about.

But how do you do it best?

Start the video to hear Malin Bergström, child psychologist.