China News Service, Beijing, October 22 (Xie Yanbing and Liang Xiaohui) In recent years, information network technology has developed rapidly, and criminal cases of telecommunications network fraud are high.

The draft law on anti-telecommunication network fraud is being submitted to the 31st meeting of the 13th National People's Congress for deliberation.

During group deliberations, many participants suggested that the penalties for illegal activities of telecommunications network fraud should be further increased, and the fines should be increased at the same time.

  How to make the law better "grow teeth" and completely eradicate the "cancer" of telecommunications network fraud?

In this regard, the participants put forward many suggestions for improvement.

  Li Wei, vice chairman of the Supervision and Judicial Committee of the National People's Congress, said that the current draft's penalties for telecom operators, financial institutions, and Internet service providers are too low to deter illegal acts. He suggested that penalties should be further strengthened.

And the penalties for telecom operators, financial institutions, and Internet service providers should be increased.

Gao Youdong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, pointed out that the provisions on joint and several liability should be added, the upper limit of penalties should be raised, and the penalty execution mechanism should be improved according to the severity of the circumstances.

  Han Xiaowu, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, also believes that the punishment of relevant responsible units and personnel must be fairly vigorous.

"The penalties for relevant units and responsible persons in the current draft generally start at 10,000 yuan (RMB, the same below), and the individual clauses are 5,000 yuan, which feels too low and is not conducive to the deterrent effect of the law and is not conducive to anti-telecommunications. The formation of a comprehensive management situation for online fraud."

  "We must increase penalties and increase the amount of fines. The amount of fines should start at 100,000 yuan." He said.

  At the same time, from the perspective of the victim, minors, the elderly, etc. are the key groups for anti-fraud.

Tan Lin, a member of the Environmental and Resources Protection Committee of the National People's Congress, pointed out that further revisions to the draft should better reflect the people-centered thinking.

"The fraud against these vulnerable people should be classified as serious in nature."

  Li Rui, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, also suggested that the draft should increase publicity and education for key groups such as the elderly and minors, so that they can make prudent investments, make friends online, and protect personal information.

  Propaganda has always been an important measure against telecommunications network fraud.

Jia Ting'an, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said that the draft should further enrich the anti-telecommunications network fraud propaganda content, such as clarifying that banks should post and distribute anti-telecommunications network fraud propaganda materials, and clarify the propaganda responsibilities of the news media.

Yin Fanglong, a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, also pointed out that the responsibilities of telecommunications business operators, financial institutions, and Internet service providers in anti-telecommunications network fraud propaganda should be clarified.

  Telecommunications network fraud is a new problem, and some problems have not yet been fully exposed.

Ji Bingxuan, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, said that this is a process of constant struggle in which "the road is one foot high, the magic is one foot high" and "the magic is one foot high, and the road is one foot high".

  He pointed out that this law is necessary and timely, and the sooner it is promulgated, the better.

Information and digital technology is still developing rapidly, and various telecommunications network frauds will be refurbished in various ways. It is difficult to complete this law now.

"Grasp the main problem first, first establish the law, provide legal support for combating telecommunications network fraud crimes, and curb this crazy momentum that harms the people. Such a law is good."

  Participants also generally believed that the draft law on anti-telecommunication network fraud embodies the idea of ​​"emergency use first" and should be passed and implemented as soon as possible.
