• Taxi, national strike on 22 October


21 October 2021 Tomorrow the drivers of the white cars will stop in all the main squares of the country from 8 to 22 and will meet in Rome for a large event, under the headquarters of the Ministry of Economic Development and then continue at the Ministry of Transport.

This is what Ugl taxi, Federtaxi Cisal, Tam, Satam, Claai, Unimpresa, Usb taxi, Or.SA taxi, Ati Taxi, Fast Confsal and Associazione Tutela Legale Taxi announce. .

"In spite of ourselves - explain the trade unionists - we are forced to stop to ask that the institutions finally listen to us and complete the process of reform of the sector, which began about three years ago and never ended, with the approval of those now indispensable necessary rules to regulate the arrogant intrusiveness of digital intermediation platforms and to counter the rampant phenomena of illegalism. It is unacceptable that while the workers in the sector are on their knees, they continue to pretend nothing and anyone, due to the absence of rules and controls, can carry out our work, also thanks to the casual use of technological applications. Digital intermediation platforms and carriers of all types, starting from rental cars from garage,to switch to minibuses of various types and nature, up to golf carts and rickshaws that carry out an undisturbed activity that is partially or even totally abusive, since in the absence of certain rules they can practically act undisturbed, continuing to invade our specific sector of action in which, in a strict context of norms, we are instead forced to act ".   

"We would like to remind everyone - they add - that in order to guarantee the right to mobility of citizens, while everything in the country stopped in full pandemic, we have continued to carry out our work uninterruptedly, to fulfill the fundamental function of public service that we carry out. , often distinguishing ourselves also for gestures of great generosity. Tomorrow we will be in the square - they conclude - because we can no longer accept to continue to be humiliated and to ask for certain rules for everyone that restore dignity to our operators. "