General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Marxist political economy must keep pace with the times if it is to be viable." Characterize new laws, refine and summarize the regular results of China's economic development practice, elevate practical experience to systematic economic theory, and continuously open up new realms of contemporary Chinese Marxist political economy.

  Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, we have continued to explore and build socialism with Chinese characteristics.

China has become the world's second largest economy from a poor and backward agricultural country. The Chinese model of economic reform and the Chinese path of economic development have been tested by practice and recognized by the world.

The political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a theoretical summary of the successful practice of China's reform and development, and it uses Chinese theories to tell Chinese stories.

  The rich practice of reform and opening up and socialist modernization is the "rich ore" of the research on the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Strengthen the systematic summary of the practical experience of reform and opening up and socialist modernization, strengthen the study and interpretation of the new concepts, new thoughts and strategies of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, and extract new academic and rational theories, and summarize them. The new practice of regularity is the mission given by the times to construct the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  People-centered: the core values ​​of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics

  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "the people's yearning for a better life is our goal" and "the original aspiration and mission of the Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation."

Taking the people as the center is the core value of governing the country with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core after entering the new era. The main contents include the following aspects:

  First, the goal is to realize and safeguard the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people.

In his speech at the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “The Communist Party of China has always represented the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. The interests of any powerful group and any privileged class."

  Second, the development goal is to enhance the well-being of the people and promote the all-round development of people.

As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: “Our people love life and look forward to better education, more stable jobs, more satisfactory income, more reliable social security, higher level of medical and health services, and more comfortable living. With better conditions and a more beautiful environment, I hope that children will grow up better, work better, and live better."

  Third, the blueprint for socialist modernization fully reflects the people-centered approach.

Building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way requires that all rural poor people be lifted out of poverty. The basic realization of socialist modernization is to make people's lives more prosperous, and building a prosperous, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful modern socialist country is to enable the people to enjoy a happier and healthier life. The development process based on the standard of people’s living standards.

  Fourth, common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism.

General Secretary Xi Jinping clearly pointed out that common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism and the common expectation of the people.

We must put the promotion of the common prosperity of all people in a more important position, be down-to-earth, work for a long time, and work harder towards this goal.

For this reason, the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 long-term goal outline put forward that "all people will achieve more obvious substantive progress in the common prosperity of the people" in the basic realization of the long-term goal of socialist modernization.

  The above-mentioned people-centered development thought has also become the core value of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.

This is also the essential feature of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.

  The "Communist Manifesto" clearly pointed out that the proletarian movement is an independent movement for the overwhelming majority and for the benefit of the overwhelming majority.

The Communists "have no interests that are different from the interests of the entire proletariat."

The ideal society revealed by Marxist political economy for the proletariat is to work for the interests of the vast majority of people, reflecting the proletariat’s longing for and determination to fight for the future society.

  Xi Jinping’s economic thought clearly declares to represent the interests of all the people. This thought determines the disciplinary nature of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, people-centered economics.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "Development for the people is the fundamental position of Marxist political economy."

Therefore, the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics faces the economic interests of different groups and cannot be kidnapped by a certain interest group. It must represent the fundamental interests of all people and seek the well-being of all people, including all interest groups.

The political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics provides the economic theory of shared development with the goal of improving the well-being of the people and the common prosperity of all people.

  Promoting development and sharing: the main line of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics

  Before the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, one of the fundamental reasons for the failure of China's socialist construction was that the relations of production and the corresponding economic system and system had surpassed the development stage.

The Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party resolutely rejected the wrong policy of "taking class struggle as the key link" and made the historic decision to shift the work center of the Party and the country to economic construction and implement reform and opening up. This opened the history of reform and opening up. Big curtain.

  Based on the characteristics of being in the primary stage of socialism, Deng Xiaoping pointed out that the essence of socialism is to liberate productive forces, develop productive forces, eliminate exploitation, eliminate polarization, and ultimately achieve common prosperity.

This shows that socialism with Chinese characteristics has two major goals, one is liberation and development of productive forces, and the other is common prosperity.

In order to achieve this goal, some regions and some people are allowed to get rich first.

  With the deepening of reform and opening up, the vitality of China's economic and social development has continued to increase, and people's living standards have generally improved, but the income gap has also widened.

Entering a new stage of development, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized in response to new social contradictions: “Eliminating poverty, improving people’s livelihood, and gradually realizing common prosperity are the essential requirements of socialism and an important mission of our party.” This shows that what he is concerned about is not Some people are the gradual realization of common prosperity for all people.

  From 2013 when the Party Central Committee proposed targeted poverty alleviation, to the proposal at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2015, until 2020, "the rural poor under China’s current standards will be lifted out of poverty, and all poor counties will be decapitated to resolve overall regional poverty." Struggle. At the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnly declared: “We have achieved the first centenary goal, built a moderately prosperous society on the land of China, and historically solved the problem of absolute poverty. Towards the second centenary goal of building a powerful modern socialist country in an all-round way."

  The above-mentioned prescriptive statements also clarify the research objects and main lines of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  Marxist political economy is the science of productivity and production relations. The research objects and main lines of political economy belong to the propositions of the times.

When Marx created political economy, his mission was to analyze capitalism, and his mission was to overthrow the exploiting society.

Therefore, the research object of political economy is production relations, and the main thread is to reveal that capitalist production relations hinder the development of productive forces.

In the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the research object of political economy was biased towards production relations for a long time. The main thread was the victory of socialism over capitalism.

Entering the new era, the research objects and main lines of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics are:

  One is that the research object is biased towards productivity research.

The analysis of production relations and productivity is the paradigm of Marxist political economy.

The basis for the development and improvement of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the continuous improvement of the level of productivity.

The central task of the initial stage of socialism is to develop productive forces.

If the research object of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics does not enter the field of productivity, its ability to explain and guide the Chinese economy will become less and less, and it is difficult to scientifically guide the process of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  The important task of the study of political economy is to mobilize all the elements for the development of productive forces.

This involves an accurate understanding of the elements of productivity.

For a long time, political economy has summarized the elements of productivity as three elements: labor, labor materials, and labor objects.

From proposing that science and technology are the primary productive forces to emphasizing innovation as the primary driving force, it is clear that the three elements of simple labor can no longer summarize the productive forces of today's era.

With the advancement of science and technology, the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, etc. are integrated into the productivity development process, and management and data are all factors of productivity.

  What are the levels of productivity in political economy research?

Deng Xiaoping emphasized that we should not only focus on the development of the productive forces, but should focus on both the liberation of the productive forces and the development of the productive forces.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that it is necessary to firmly establish the concept that protecting the ecological environment means protecting productivity, and improving the ecological environment means developing productivity.

In general, the productivity of the research on the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics has three levels of content: the first is the liberation of the productivity, which involves the adjustment of production relations and the reform of the economic system that promote the development of the productivity; the second is the development of the productivity, which involves the productivity. The synergy of various factors in economic development; the third is the protection of productivity, which involves the protection and improvement of the ecological environment.

The political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics is a systematic economic theory of liberation, development and protection of productive forces.

  The second is to achieve common prosperity as the goal.

Common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism.

Common prosperity is not egalitarianism, it involves the two requirements of prosperity and common.

At the beginning of reform and opening up, in order to make the people rich as soon as possible, our country implemented a policy that allowed some people to get rich first.

Now that a well-off society has been built in an all-round way, the task of poverty alleviation has been completed, but the problem of relative poverty is still prominent.

Promoting common prosperity requires a shift from overcoming absolute poverty to gradually overcoming relative poverty.

The path is to adhere to the concept of shared development: the people share the results of reform and development, continue to receive tangible benefits, have more sense of gain in the improvement of people's livelihood, and gradually achieve common prosperity.

  In this way, liberating, developing and protecting the productive forces and realizing the common prosperity of all the people have become the main line of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  The New Development Stage and the Transformation of Main Social Contradictions: The Orientation of the Times of Political Economy

  General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward a major judgment that our country has entered a new stage of development.

The new development stage is rich in connotation, including at least the following:

  First, this is a new stage of development in the primary stage of socialism.

The new stage of development we are in today is a stage in the primary stage of socialism, and at the same time a stage in which we have reached a new starting point after decades of accumulation.

Building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and basically realizing socialist modernization are not only the requirements for China's development in the initial stage of socialism, but also the requirements for China's socialism to move from the initial stage to a higher stage.

  Second, China's economy has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development.

The change process of economic growth from high-speed to medium-to-high speed is accompanied by the shift of economic development mode from scale and speed to quality and efficiency, which is the transition to high-quality development stage.

There are two important manifestations: one is structural optimization, and economic restructuring should shift from focusing on incremental expansion to adjusting stocks and improving and increasing both; the second is power conversion, where development power should rely mainly on resources and low-cost labor, etc. Factor input shifts to innovation-driven.

  Third, the transformation of major social contradictions.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and the main social contradictions in our country have been transformed into contradictions between the people's growing need for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development.

On the one hand, the level of social productivity in our country has increased significantly, and the production capacity has entered the forefront of the world in many aspects; on the other hand, the people’s needs for a better life are increasingly widespread.

The transformation of the main social contradictions shows that the main aspect that development cannot meet the people's growing needs for a better life is the unbalanced and inadequate development.

The so-called unbalanced development refers to the shortcomings in development, involving shortcomings in ecological environment, shortcomings in agricultural modernization, and shortcomings in regional development.

The so-called inadequate development, the most prominent is the insufficient supply of core technology caused by the lack of innovation ability, and the insufficient effective supply caused by the low quality of the supply system.

Changing this situation has become the focus of development.

  The scientific judgment of the new development stage and the main social contradictions puts forward the problem-oriented requirements for the research on the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

For the innovation of political economy, the problem orientation is the most important issue of the times.

Only by listening to the voice of the times, responding to the call of the times, and earnestly studying and solving major and pressing problems, can we truly grasp the historical context, find the law of development, and promote theoretical innovation.

Entering a new stage of development, it is necessary to creatively solve major theoretical problems of political economy based on the conditions of the times, and then to develop and innovate the Marxist political economy of the 21st century.

  One is the orientation of major social contradictions.

At present, we are facing a series of new major development problems and a series of challenges different from the low-income stage.

The deep-seated problem of development is that the needs of the people have shifted from quantitative needs to quality needs.

Solving the problem of unbalanced and insufficient development that cannot meet the needs of the people for a better life has become a key issue in the study of political economy.

  The second is high-quality development problem orientation.

Due to the decline of the traditional development momentum relying on resource input, the serious imbalance of the economic structure and the low end of the global value chain, the focus of development must be on improving the quality and benefits of development, achieving higher quality, more efficiency, more fairness, More sustainable and safer development.

This is an inevitable requirement for achieving high-quality development in the new development stage.

However, China's long-term economic theory and policy research is accustomed to focusing on speed growth, and the research on the quality of development is relatively lacking.

A series of related economic issues have become the focus of political economy research.

  The third is the orientation of modernization issues.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that China’s modernization is a modernization of a huge population, a modernization of common prosperity for all people, a modernization that harmonizes material and spiritual civilizations, a modernization that harmoniously coexists with nature, and a modernization that takes the path of peaceful development.

These five aspects indicate the characteristics of Chinese-style modernization, all of which require innovation in political economy theory.

  The basic socialist economic system: the three dimensions of the study of production relations

  On the whole, China's economic system reform is advanced around reforming and improving the basic economic system.

The party's understanding of the basic socialist economic system is gradually deepening.

On the basis of making it clear that public ownership is the mainstay and the common development of multiple ownership economies is the basic economic system of the primary stage of socialism in China, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party clearly made public ownership the mainstay and the common development of multiple ownership economies, and distribution according to work The three aspects of the main body, the coexistence of multiple distribution methods, and the socialist market economic system are collectively called the basic socialist economic system.

Xi Jinping's economic thought has made breakthrough progress in the construction of these three aspects.

  First, improve the ownership structure.

One is to make it clear that both the public and non-public sectors of the economy are important components of the socialist market economy. The property rights of the public sector of the economy are inviolable, and the property rights of the non-public sector of the economy are equally inviolable.

The second is to insist on public ownership as the main body.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the dominant status of public ownership cannot be shaken, and the leading role of the state-owned economy cannot be shaken. This is an institutional guarantee to ensure that the people of all ethnic groups in our country share the fruits of development. It is also an important guarantee for consolidating the party's ruling position and adhering to China's socialist system.

The third is to fully affirm the important role of the non-public economy in stabilizing growth, increasing taxation, promoting innovation, expanding employment, and improving people's livelihood.

The fourth is to clarify that the cross-shareholding and mutually integrated mixed ownership economy such as state-owned capital, collective capital, and non-public capital is an important form of realization of the basic economic system.

  Second, improve the distribution system.

We must not only adhere to the principle of distribution according to work, but also improve the system and mechanism of distribution according to factors to promote more reasonable and orderly income distribution.

First, improve the factor remuneration mechanism.

The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that the remuneration mechanism determined by the factor market, such as capital, knowledge, technology, and management, should be improved.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China further proposed to improve the mechanism in which production factors such as labor, capital, land, knowledge, technology, management, and data are contributed by market evaluation and remuneration determined by contribution.

Second, promote common prosperity.

The first is to improve distribution according to work and encourage hard work to get rich.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed that we should insist on working harder, paying more attention to protecting labor income, increasing labor compensation for workers, especially frontline workers, and increasing the proportion of labor compensation in the primary distribution.

Second, the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 long-term goal outline emphasize the expansion of residents' income growth channels, and propose to explore the use of land, capital and other element use rights, income rights to increase the element income of low- and middle-income groups.

The third is to improve the redistribution adjustment mechanism with taxation, social security, and transfer payments as the main means, and rationally adjust the distribution relationship between urban and rural areas, regions, and different groups.

  Third, improve the socialist market economic system.

The socialist market economic system is an organic combination of the socialist system and the market economy.

The way of organic integration is to better play the role of the government when the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources.

The advantages of its system are not only to overcome market failures such as polarization and macroeconomic imbalances, but also to reflect the requirements of the socialist system and show the superiority of the socialist system.

  The study of economic systems is the core content of political economy.

The reforms promoted around the basic economic system are an important driving force for the development of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.

Xi Jinping's economic thought explained the basic socialist economic system from the three dimensions of production, distribution and exchange.

It needs to be pointed out that every aspect of the basic economic system involves the two opposing economic forms considered in the political economy theory in the past, and they are now included in the basic economic system.

This kind of tolerance is precisely the system advantage in developing social productive forces and reflecting the superiority of the socialist system.

This inclusive and complementary analysis of their respective advantages has become an important content of the methodology of socialist political economy with Chinese characteristics.

  The market determines the allocation of resources and the government plays a better role: a new realm of economic operation analysis

  The Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party clearly stated that economic system reform is the focus of comprehensively deepening reforms. The core issue is to properly handle the relationship between the government and the market, so that the market can play a decisive role in resource allocation and give better play to the government's role.

To clarify that the market plays a decisive role in the allocation of resources will return to the original meaning of the market economy. As General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out, "theory and practice have proved that the market allocation of resources is the most efficient form."

This is a major breakthrough in the theory of the socialist market economy. As a result, China's economic system has been reformed from a higher starting point, a higher level, and a higher goal, and a more systematic, complete, mature and stereotyped high-level socialist market economic system has been constructed.

  Regarding market-oriented reforms, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly defined the two key reforms of accelerating the improvement of the socialist market economic system: improving the property rights system and market-oriented allocation of factors.

Property rights are the core of the ownership system, and a modern property rights system with clear ownership, clear rights and responsibilities, strict protection, and smooth circulation must be improved.

To improve the market-oriented allocation of factors is to focus on the reform of the market-oriented allocation of factors, to accelerate the construction of a unified and open, competitive and orderly market system, to promote the establishment of a factor market system, and to achieve factor price market determination, flow in an autonomous and orderly manner, and efficient and fair allocation.

The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Party further proposed to improve the fair competition system and strengthen the basic position of competition policy.

This is an important institutional arrangement for realizing market-oriented allocation of factors.

  Reforms to better play the role of the government are reflected in scientific macro-control and effective government governance.

This is an important aspect of advancing the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities.

First, start with demand management to establish a macro-capacity control mechanism, clarify that the troika of consumption, investment, and export will synergistically drive economic growth, and highlight the stimulating role of consumption.

Second, clarify the reasonable range of macroeconomic operations.

Take the reasonable interval as the government's goal orientation for scientific macro-control and the main basis for the application of macro-control policies.

Third, clarify the direction of targeted regulation.

Interval regulation does not mean that the country does not make any regulation within a reasonable range, but focuses on stabilizing the total amount and does not engage in "overflow irrigation"-style regulation.

Targeted control focuses on structural adjustment, and formulates control policies flexibly and differentiated according to actual conditions.

The two are closely integrated to form a joint force for stable growth and structural adjustment.

Fourth, innovate macro-control measures.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that innovating and perfecting macro-control, giving play to the strategic guiding role of the national development plan, and improving the coordination mechanism of fiscal, monetary, industrial, and regional economic policies.

Fifth, the supply-side structural reforms that began in 2015 require that while moderately expanding aggregate demand, efforts should be made to improve the quality and efficiency of the supply system.

  Regarding the combination of "effective market" and "promising government", General Secretary Xi Jinping believes that this is a "worldwide problem in economics" that needs to be solved in practice.

The study of this issue has opened up a new horizon for the analysis of the economic operation of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

  First, property rights incentives are the most powerful source of power for the market economy.

The property rights incentive system involves the definition, allocation and circulation of property rights, and closely links people's enthusiasm for economic activities and property rights.

To clarify the ownership and control of enterprise property rights and the benefits and risks of property rights is a stable and lasting incentive.

The construction of the corresponding property rights system involves strict property rights protection, smooth property rights circulation, and ensuring property rights security.

  Second, pay attention to the market-oriented allocation of stock elements.

Compared with incremental factors, the scale of stock factors is huge.

The market-oriented allocation of factors through the transfer of property rights makes the resources of the inefficient and overcapacity sectors and enterprises from death to life, and on the basis of eliminating excess and backward production capacity, freeing up space for development and resources for the development of new industries , New business formats, and the concentration of assets to high-efficiency enterprises.

  Third, build a high-standard market system.

The market system is the carrier and platform for the configuration of the factor market.

China's market economy started late, but the starting point must be high, and the standards for market system construction must be high.

Market shortcomings that need to be filled in accordance with high standards include: perfecting and regulating the financial market, building and regulating the land market, developing the technology market, and fully opening the labor market, especially the talent market, etc.

  Fourth, strengthen the fundamental position of competition policy.

Fair and sufficient competition is an essential feature of a market economy.

Competition policy is an economic policy implemented by the government to protect, promote, and standardize market competition. It is an important aspect of the country's macroeconomic regulation and control.

The competition policy to be strengthened is mainly manifested in: the allocation of resources is guided by competition, the cultivation of market entities is based on competition, and the construction of market order is based on standardized competition order.

  Fifth, the supply side and the demand side are the two basic methods for managing and regulating the macro economy.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: “Demand-side management focuses on resolving aggregate issues and focuses on short-term regulation. It is mainly through adjusting taxation, fiscal expenditure, currency and credit, etc. to stimulate or suppress demand, thereby promoting economic growth. Supply-side management focuses on economic growth. In solving structural problems, focusing on stimulating economic growth, mainly through optimizing the allocation of factors and adjusting the production structure to improve the quality and efficiency of the supply system, and then promote economic growth." In different stages of development, whether economic policy focuses on the supply side or Focusing on the demand side, a decision must be made based on a country's macroeconomic situation.

The "14th Five-Year Plan" and the 2035 long-term target outline proposed the idea of ​​deepening supply-side structural reforms and strengthening demand-side management, reflecting the combination of the long-term and short-term goals of macro-control.

  New development concept and new development pattern: the core content of economic development theory

  General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that development must be scientific development that follows the laws of economics, and it must be sustainable development that follows the laws of nature.

In the new era, our party has a deeper and deeper understanding of the regularity of high-quality development. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Party put forward the development concept of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing.

  Innovation is the first driving force leading development.

As the first driving force of economic development, the core of innovation is technological innovation.

This requires not only the strengthening of national strategic scientific and technological strength and the enhancement of technological independent innovation capabilities, but also the establishment of an independent and controllable industrial system to promote industrial innovation.

The integration of technological innovation and industrial innovation is to solve the transformation from "science" to "technology" and open up the channel from strong technology to strong industry, strong economy, and strong country.

  Coordination is an inherent requirement for sustained and healthy economic development.

Coordination is not only a development tool but also a development goal, as well as a standard and yardstick for evaluating development.

Coordination becomes a development goal, which means that the purpose of economic development is to pursue balanced development in many aspects such as economy, society, man and nature.

Coordination becomes a means of development, which means to pay attention to the balance, system and sustainability of development.

Coordination has become the standard and yardstick for evaluation and development, which means that coordination is the evaluation standard for high-quality development, involving the balanced development of industries, urban and rural areas, and regions.

  Green is a necessary condition for sustainable development and an important manifestation of people's pursuit of a better life.

Green development focuses on solving the problem of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan.

Clean water, fresh air, diverse organisms, and green environment are precious ecological wealth.

Economic development must not only seek material wealth, but also seek ecological wealth to meet people's needs for a better life.

  Opening up is the only way for the country's prosperity and development.

In the new stage of development, we must adhere to the importance of bringing in and going out, forming an open pattern of land-sea internal and external linkages, and east-west mutual assistance; attach importance to the promotion of China’s industry status in the global value chain, and rely on core technologies to form global trade, The value chain of financing, production, and service fosters new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition; from the past emphasis on the opening up of manufacturing to the outside world, to an all-round opening that covers various industries, especially the service industry.

  Sharing is the essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Allowing the broad masses of the people to share the fruits of reform and development is an essential requirement of socialism and a concentrated expression of the superiority of the socialist system.

Sharing by the whole people is the goal, comprehensive sharing is the content, co-construction and sharing is the foundation, and gradual sharing is the way.

  Entering a new stage of development, in the face of major changes in the world unseen in a century, China must not only carry on the banner of continuing to promote globalization, but also promote the formation of a domestic and international dual cycle based on its own development needs. A new development pattern that promotes each other.

  The connotations of the new development pattern include: First, the new development pattern is a strategic choice to reshape China's new advantages in international cooperation and competition in the new development stage, and it is a long-term strategy.

Second, while the kinetic energy of the international cycle with both markets and resources being significantly weakened, China's domestic demand potential is constantly being released. We must grasp the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand and improve the adaptability of the supply system to domestic demand.

Third, building a new development pattern requires a higher level of opening up.

Fourth, China's participation in the domestic and international dual cycles must be integrated with the innovation chain to improve the modernization level of the industrial chain.

  The provisions on the new development concept and the new development pattern actually clarify the content of the economic development theory of the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

The new development concept is a scientific summary of the practical experience of China's economic development, and is the main content of Xi Jinping's economic thinking.

According to the new development concept, innovative development focuses on solving the problem of development motivation, coordinated development focuses on solving the problem of unbalanced development, green development focuses on solving the problem of harmony between man and nature, open development focuses on solving internal and external linkage issues of development, and shared development focuses on solving social equity and justice issues.

Political economy originally studies the social reproduction process that includes production, exchange, distribution, and consumption.

The new development pattern is an open domestic and international double cycle, relying on the super-large domestic market, making production, distribution, circulation, and consumption more dependent on the domestic market, forming a higher level of dynamic balance in which demand drives supply and supply creates demand.

  The core issue in the development of developing countries is modernization.

The political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics needs to establish a modernization theory based on new development concepts and new development patterns.

These include: researching modernization goals based on the concept of shared development; researching modernization strategies based on the concept of innovative development; researching modernization paths based on the concept of green development; researching modernization of the economic structure based on the concept of coordinated development to complement the shortcomings of economic development; researching new ideas based on the concept of open development Opening to the outside world at the development stage, etc.

  In general, the political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics is based on the practice of China’s reform and development in the new era, guided by Xi Jinping’s economic thoughts, and innovative economic theories with problems as the guidance. By studying economic laws at all levels of the economy and deepening the basic principles of political economy, its status as mainstream economics will continue to be consolidated.

  (The author Hong Yinxing is the former Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University and a researcher at the Yangtze River Delta Economic and Social Development Research Center of Nanjing University)