Contributed to improving the lives of more than 2,500 people

Expo .. an application that speaks on behalf of people with "speech problems"

  • The application allows the formation of richer and more complete sentences in about 7 seconds per sentence.

    From the source

  • Héctor Andrés Costa: "2500 people spoke more than half a million sentences using OTTA."


The OTTA project, an alternative educational communication system for people of determination with articulation problems, is a communication platform and 'app' that uses environmental data and a powerful artificial intelligence algorithm to give a voice. For those with speech difficulties, through a mobile device, it predicts what users want to say and says it for them.

The application uses a predictive algorithm to significantly reduce the time required to create a sentence, and this greatly contributes to improving the quality of life of people who have problems with pronunciation, reduces their frustration when communicating with others, and allows them to compose a sentence using pictograms, and these are the images that represent works or things, feelings, or emotions.

The project is also based on reducing the selection of pictograms to a very small number, but precisely, which reduces the time for selection and allows the formation of richer and more complete sentences in less time, about seven seconds per sentence.

The project aims to further develop and update the application in order to serve as a comprehensive platform.

The company, whose project qualified for the Expo Live program of Expo 2020 Dubai, which supports projects that address the most pressing and most impactful issues in human life, says it seeks to restore speech to all who have lost it, as well as helping thousands of people who suffer Poor speech to communicate, to improve their lives and quality of life.

The company explains that the system was fully developed in cooperation with speech therapists, as well as occupational therapists, psychologists, as well as early development specialists, and is also based on the location feature, where the user selects his favorite locations and automatically obtains the relevant illustrations when approaching this place, It also allows the user to communicate in different languages ​​using world-famous pictograms, and can synchronize his own agenda to better predict what pictograms he might need.

There are thousands of pictograms available to choose from.

For this reason, the application, compared to other communication tools, is distinguished by its use of environmental data that is collected and placed in the context of communication and real-time communication, and provides the user with the best illustrations appropriate for that specific moment, which increases the ease of communication in speed at the same time.

“We are improving the lives of more than 2,500 people, who have spoken more than half a million sentences using the OTT project,” said Hector Andrés Costa, co-founder and chief technology officer of OTTA. .aa, meaning half a million expressions of 'I love you', 'I'm fine', 'I'm happy' or even just 'Thank you', that's the real power of the OTA Project. )».

The company sees itself within five years, as one of the leading companies in Latin America and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) in the field of assistive technology for people of determination, as well as continuing to bring the latest technology into their hands, to enable them to better connect with the world.

The application is useful for people with autism, cerebral palsy, the elderly with post-stroke repercussions, people with Down syndrome, and other groups, and its vision is to restore voice to people who cannot communicate, who number about 67 million people around the world, The app is an augmented communication system, a fast and mobile tool aimed at facilitating social integration in our surroundings.

In addition to the application, the company is working on a new innovation called “Lixi”, a device that captures, through a helmet equipped with sensors, the electrical activity of the brain, and interprets the signals sent by the patient into words, and primarily targets people who cannot move any part of their bodies, as it is It captures electrical activity in the visual cortex, then uses eye tracking to determine which image the user is focusing on.

The problem:

Millions of people with speech difficulties are unable to communicate.

The solution:

an app that uses images and artificial intelligence to predict what a speech impaired person wants to communicate, and say it on their behalf.


Information and Communication Technology.




Latin America.

The app uses a predictive algorithm to drastically reduce the time needed to compose a sentence, and improve the quality of life for people who have problems with pronunciation.