Our newspaper, Beijing, October 20th (China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily reporter Li Guijie) The National Examination has entered the sixth day. As of 16:00 on the 20th, according to statistics provided by Zhong Gong Education, the central authority and its directly affiliated institutions will be recruited for the 2022 examination A total of 778,000 people submitted applications on the civil service special website, an increase of more than 200,000 from last year, with an average competition ratio of 19:1, which has entered the "blowout" period of registration.

  At present, the most popular position for registration for the National Examination is the first-level director of the Tibet Autonomous Region Postal Administration and the following positions, the competition ratio is 2245:1; the second is the first-level director of the Office of the National Federation of Trade Unions and China Machinery, Metallurgy and Building Materials Union Office. For staff members and the following positions, the competition ratio is 2016:1.

  According to statistics, as of 16:00 on the 20th, there are still 510 positions without submitting applications, accounting for 3% of the total number of positions.

These cold positions are concentrated in the front-line law enforcement systems such as taxation and railway public security. For example, the Beijing Railway Public Security Bureau station police station recruits 6 policemen, and currently no one has applied for the exam.

  "As for the uneven hot and cold of specific positions, the main reason is the'threshold' of applying for the position. The position requires low academic qualifications and few additional conditions, which means that candidates are given more opportunities." National Institute of Service Outsourcing Human Resources Deputy Dean Professor Guan Lian said in an interview with a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily.

  According to Li Qian, an expert on public examinations for public education in the Tibet Autonomous Region, the first-level chief staff member of the Ali District Postal Administration of the Tibet Autonomous Region Postal Administration and the following positions are truly "three unrestricted": no restrictions on work experience, no restrictions on political outlook, no restrictions Major, bachelor degree or above is fine.

All-China Federation of Trade Unions, China Machinery, Metallurgy and Building Materials Trade Union Office, and the following professional requirements for this position are economics, materials and machinery. It does not restrict work experience or political outlook, and belongs to the work position of the central agency. Candidates are attractive.

  Shenzhen Bay Customs Anti-smuggling Sub-Bureau plans to recruit 5 people for the first level and the following positions. As of 16:00 on the 20th, no one has applied for the examination.

This position requires candidates to have at least two years of grass-roots work experience, and the status is a college student village official, a special job plan for a rural compulsory school teacher, the "three branches and one support" plan, the college student volunteer service in the west plan, and five years of service in the military ( Including) One of the above-mentioned college graduates and retired soldiers, the professional requirement is related to law.

  According to relevant statistics, the number of applicants for the National Examination has exceeded one million for 13 consecutive years.

The 2022 National Examination for Bachelor's Degree can apply for the most positions and the largest proportion. There are 15,492 positions and 29,051 people who can apply for the examination, accounting for 94% of the total number of positions and 94% of the total number, which are basically the same as last year; The demand for highly educated talents has increased significantly. The number of recruits requiring master and doctoral degrees is 2,188 and 1,252 positions, an increase of 705 and 233 positions over last year.

There are 234 and 454 positions for college students to apply for, all of which are less than last year.

  Guanlian Suggestion: "If the National Examination can provide more positions and opportunities for higher vocational graduates, on the one hand, it can solve the problem of high academic qualifications in some positions, and on the other hand, it can also break the traditional worship of academic qualifications, from job requirements and professional abilities. Appraising candidates from a matching angle will play a better guiding role."

  Source: China Youth Daily