Depression is a disease that affects men, women, adults and children, but in men it has distinct symptoms, as well as causes, so what are they?

The German Society of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neurology said that

male depression has several causes

, which are:

  • aging

  • Sensation of near term.

  • Unit.

  • Loss of a loved one, such as a wife or a child.

  • Loss of a source of material income.

The association explained that there are some

distinctive signs

that warn of depression in men, which are:

  • Busy work.

  • Excessive exercise.

  • Fall prey to drug and alcohol addiction.

  • reckless behavior

  • Aggressive or risky behaviour.

The association added that in addition to these distinctive signs, there

are other general symptoms that

are divided into physical and psychological, noting that the physical symptoms are:

  • Constant headache.

  • muscle pain;

  • Back pain.

  • continuous vertigo.

  • Sleep disorders.

While The

psychological symptoms


  • Sorrow.

  • Melancholy.

  • anxiety.

  • Loss of motivation.

  • Low self-confidence.

  • defeatism;

  • Despair.

The association recommended the people surrounding the man who shows these symptoms, to encourage him to consult a psychiatrist as soon as possible, to undergo psychological treatment before it is too late and the situation worsens and to take dangerous actions such as self-harm or suicide.

The association indicated that the first step in treatment is to identify the true underlying cause of depression.

In addition to drug therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy plays an important role in dealing with depression;

As it helps the patient to overcome the serious life situation that led to depression, and then return to a normal life, filled with hope, optimism and a positive outlook on life.